Chapter 6,7 And 8

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Chapter six

‘Jessica Johnson, 9th year student with the subjects english maths double or triple science history or geography and language,’ said Miss Knight, a woman of 55 years old who was in charge of the school administration ‘You are in class 9B, second floor and next to the stairs of your left. Jessica nodded, took her timetable that was given to her and went into her class. She had English the first two periods of the day and she knew that everyone in the class would be here that kind of stressed her. She was walking in the halls of the school and she was thinking of her old school. She missed it so much and her old friends who she had known for years. She was scared of not being accepted here or if people will judge her because she had no family; well she had Rosa, but to Rosa’s eyes, she was just a maid and a burden to her.

When Jessica entered the class, there were 20 students and there was her English teacher Mrs.Marple who was saying the roll call. ‘Oh you must surely be the new student’, said Marple. ‘Jessica, if I’m right?’ Jessica just nodded at her. ‘Come on don’t be shy and introduce yourself to the class .’Shit’, Jessica thought. She didn’t want to talk especially because she saw Ester and her group of bullies in the back of the class. ‘Hi. I’m Jessica and it’s my first day here. I live with grand-‘ Jessica thought of Rosa’s words while saying that which where ‘I have no family and no grandchildren. I don’t know what you were expecting but let me get this clear. We are not related.’ So she reformulated her sentence and said ‘ with my aunt Rebecca. I won’t say anything else as I feel that anything that I said will be held against me here.’ Ester and a group of people were literally laughing at her and were mumbling words like ‘she’s so ridiculous’. Jessica just stood firmly and was holding back her tears. She had to keep it together. Then she sat down in the front of the class and remembered what she came here for; to get out of this disruptive environment. So, she had to work, a lot to be in a better place later on. She was really focused during the whole class and Marple was really happy to get such a hardworking student.

At 09;30am, the bell rang and they had a little break. She then met Peter in the halls. ‘Hey you’, said Peter. ‘How are you doing on the first day?’ he asked. ‘Nothing much just trying to survive being in the same class of Ester lol’. ‘Oh crap’ said Peter. ‘If she gives you any trouble, lemme know’. ‘Sure, my hero lol’, said Jessica then regretted some seconds later of calling him like that. ‘I could get used to you calling me like that’ said Peter. Jessica felt awkward but happy too. Being with Peter made her feel at ease, especially there. The bell rang and they just said ‘see ya’ to each other and they went their classes when they suddenly realized that they are actually in the same class; history and geography. ‘What an unexpected surprise’, said Peter. ‘the day just got better’. Jessica smiled and said ‘as long as Ester isn’t here lol’. They both laughed but she secretly hoped that she wasn’t here and eventually she wasn’t.

They sat together and were quietly talking during the class. They were enjoying the moment which passed by kind of quick as they suddenly heard the bell rang. They both had a lot of fun spending time with each other and they couldn’t wait to attend another class together. (cheesy line). They both didn’t want to go home now and especially not Jessica, so they decided to go a café next to the school. They didn’t order anything apart from two milkshakes and they just sat and talked. Jessica didn’t tell him much about her dead family. She just said they died and Peter apologized. Jessica just nodded and told him ‘how about you? How is your life?’. Peter replied ‘nothing much. My dad is a cook and my mom is a housewife that takes care of me and my two little sisters. You should meet them one day.’ She loved that idea. She felt really close to him and trusted him a lot. However, she didn’t feel ready yet to talk about her family. She didn’t want people to pity her and it was still a delicate subject for her. She wanted to make as if nothing ever happened because it was too hard for her to speak about that.

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