Chapter 9 And 10

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Chapter nine

It was Sunday. Jessica decided to wake up early to do all of her tasks as the most overworked maid of the house. Something that everyone loved to see with Jessica is even though she was forced to do all of this work, she did it with so much joy. All of the maids loved how she brought and gave positive vibes to anyone. She went through the worse shit on earth and still she still brought happiness to this world full of crimes, sexism, racism, violence, fascism, war. Since her arrival at the mansion, she brightened it up. Everyone saw it, even Rosa. But for some unknown reason, her hatred towards Jessica stayed the same. Jessica felt like crying every time she saw her grandma and the conversation she heard about constantly stayed on her mind. Still, she was going too do that Rosa asked her to . She wanted to get her grandma’s trust more than anything else and was ready to do so. While she was helping to prepare the breakfast, she received a text from Peter who asked her to come with him to the lac next to the café they went to the other day. She wanted to go so much but she didn’t know if she could. She talked about it to Rebecca and the latter told the former to go as she would cover for her. Jessica was overly excited so she rushed to her room and changed into a dress with flower designs on it and she rushed to the kitchen exit.

She took an old bicycle that she found in the garage and arrived to her destination in less than twenty minutes. She saw Peter waiting for her at the lac and she ran to hug him. They both said hi to each other and asked each other how they were doing. ‘I’m so happy to be able to spend the day with you, especially here’, said Peter to Jessica. She felt so happy being with him and stared at him for few minutes before adding, ‘what’s so special to you here?’. ‘Well, I was rescued here by my actual parents. You see, I was abandoned here when I was born for some weeks only. My parents found me here and rescued me. If it wasn’t for them, I would be dead by them.’ Jessica was shocked to see that some people can be that cruel. Abandoning a child at a lac?! That is such a disgusting thing to do. How can you even have a mentality to do something like that. There are so much people out there who wants to adopt and who cannot conceive. So why abandoning a newborn child? ‘oh my god, I’m sorry for making you talk about something so sensitive,’ said Jessica. ‘It’s okay Jess. I trust you and you are actually the first person to know about it.’ Jessica felt amazing hearing that. She didn’t know Peter for long but she had such an intense connection with him. In fact, they both really at ease being with each other. Jessica thought it was time for her to tell Peter about her life. They both sat on the grass next to the water and Jessica said everything. From the disappearance of his father, the way they had to live in poverty with her mom and her sister, her life at school, her having to work and finally the death of her mom and her sister without forgetting her tyrant grandmother. In the end, she ended up crying and she couldn’t stop. All of the tears she held back these past few days had finally come out and she lost it. Peter hugged her tightly and said ‘it’s okay. I’m here for you now’. Just hearing that phrase made her feel so protected and reassured. She felt as if she wasn’t alone in this dark world and she wasn’t actually. Rebecca and Peter were the two persons that was holding her to avoid her from breaking apart. Life has never been easy for her and at 14 she had to go through so much. She thought of committing suicide a lot of times but she was a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. If she was still alive, it must be for a reason. If she was going through so much pain, it was for a reason. She may not know why but she definitely was going to no matter what the cost. ‘Thank you Peter.’

On these words, they decided to change the subject of the conversation from this to the job they want to do in the future and how they actually envision it. “I frankly want to be a doctor. Helping and saving people was always something that I loved to do and that I want to do,’ said Peter. He was young too but he was someone wise and helpful. Sure, he didn’t went through Jessica went through but he was really empathic to everyone. ‘Wow, that’s amazing,’ said Jessica before adding ‘frankly, I don’t really know what I want to do. The future is so unexpected. What may happen tomorrow can’t be really predicted but what I know is that no matter what comes in my way, I can always take it positively and make something good from it.’ Peter was impressed by this words. He had never met someone so optimistic but realist at the same time. He looked at her with so much admiration. She was a symbol of perseverance, love, strength and courage at his eyes. He started thinking that maybe he loves her but he didn’t want to scare her away by telling her that.

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