Chapter eighteen-I'm going back home

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Joe turned towards Jessica, looked at her into the eyes, and then said, "It's not what you think. It's not your sister Sam. Some years after I got into some illegal activities, I had to deliver some drug packages to Richards Lionese. He was of the most powerful men in the drugs dealing business. However, months has passed by and he had not paid us anything. Over two million dollars; that was his debt. We didn't know what to do and Mike suggested to kidnap his newborn child and to trick him into paying us. I was supposed to keep her. I was in charge of keeping her but she died. She was still a newborn. She needed her mother and I didn't know where to keep her. So, I kept her far in an abandoned house in a forest and I ran away. I knew that I acted in a weak way but I didn't know what to do. That's why I left your mother, your sister and you. Jessica believe me I-"

Joe was speaking when suddenly, they heard police cars. Mike and David ran outside the room to go and see what was happening and they realized that the house was surrounded by policemen. It was too late for them. However, they still tried to escape. Mike took a gun, pointed it towards Jessica and told her ,"you are gonna do what you are asked to if you do not wanna die". David did the same with Rosa and the two kidnappers took both of them outside. Mike shouted "if you do not let us out, they are both dead. So consider carefully what you are about to do. Let one police car open and get out of the way." While they were walking, Jessica looked at her right and she saw her dad running away. Joe didn't even look at her. He didn't even say goodbye. He abandoned her again. He showed that she doesn't mean anything to her. She felt once again destroyed inside but she didn't cry this time. She promised herself that she will never let her father gets closed to her.

While she was focused on her thoughts, she suddenly heard two gunshots. She immediately looked at her grandmother fearing that she passed away but it was actually two policemen who came from their back and shot the two kidnappers. Mike immediately died while David was just severely injured. Jessica ran to hug Rosa. It was over. This nightmare was over. They were finally free.

-Two weeks later

"Are you sure about that Jessica?", Rebecca asked Jessica while she was packing her bags.

"Rebecca, do not worry about me. You know I'll be fine and that I'll communicate with you the best I can. I'm going back home because I want to and I feel like I need to."

They hugged each other and started crying. Jessica was going back to Australia. She saved enough money and was ready to get back to where she belong. While she was hugging Rebecca, Rosa entered and asked her if they could talk. Rebecca left them alone and Rosa said

"No matter where you go, always know that you can count on me. I know I have never been the grandmother you deserved. I have been harsh and terrible to you and trust me, I regret everything I did. But I love you Jessica and just know that you will always have a home here."

Jessica didn't have words. She just ran in her grandmother's arms and hugged her while they were both crying. She was waiting for this moment for so long. She was finally on good terms with her grams. She knew that they would be here for each other now no matter what happens and no matter what paths they take. She sat there and talked with her grandmother for some minutes after she finished packing her things and she decided to go and say goodbye with Peter. She couldn't go away without talking to her closest and best friend.

She wanted to ask him to come with him but what she saw while going to his place was nothing of what she expected. As soon as she saw Peter, she ran towards him and hugged him before telling him the news. Peter was shocked but he knew about it since she was talking about going back home for some time. Peter also told him some shocking news before Jessica could ask him to come with her. "Jessica, I'm getting taking over the business of my dad isn't that fantastic." Jessica shyly agreed but a part of her felt weird because she knew that he couldn't come with her. However, she only showed support and congratulated him. She knew that this was something that he wanted to do. After chatting a little, they went to eat at their favorite restaurant and then they both went to the airport.

Rebecca and Rosa were also there and after sharing their last hugs and shedding their final tears, Jessica got into her airplane and that was it. It was time for another adventure to begin.

next chapter out soon

next chapter out soon

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