The Courtyard

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Lana had agreed to meet Penny in the Courtyard at break to tell her about Barnaby. She was slightly nervous as to how she'd react or if anyone else would hear, but Penny was her best friend, so she'd tell her anything.

"Lana!" Penny greeted by the fountain.

"Hi, Penny!" Lana laughed.

"Right. Tell me everything." she said with a grin.

The girls sat on the fountain wall, talking about the latest gossip that was Lana and Barnaby. Penny's grin never once faded - she was too excited for her friend!

"Oh my gosh!" Penny squealed.

"So he just stared into your eyes and kissed you?! That's so romantic!!" she continued to fangirl over Lana's story, making Lana giggle at her friend.

"Yeah, at first I thought he malfunctioned or something, but then he leant in and I freaked out! It was so adorable though..." she sighed dreamily, thinking about that moment.

Just then, the Slytherin himself came walking across the Courtyard over to Lana and Penny.

"Hey, guys!" he greeted with a smile.

The girls looked at each other, surprised, but then burst out laughing, making Barnaby confused.

"What's so funny?" he asked, tilting his head.

"Nothing, Barnaby, don't worry." Penny replied.

"Well, it's been great talking to you, Lana, but I have to go, work on a...potions assignment that Snape set..." she made up an excuse to leave the two lovebirds by themselves, walking off and waving.

Lana looked at Barnaby, who sat in the empty space where Penny previously was, next to her.

"Hi." he smiled warmly.

"Hi." she copied his actions.

He shuffled closer to her, supporting himself by putting his arm behind her back so they were still close, but not in a way that people would assume that they were together.

"What class you got next?" The Slytherin asked her.

"Potions with Snape." she started, "You're in my class." she finished with a laugh.

"Oh! Yeah I forgot!" he said, "I've just got a lot on my mind at the moment." he added.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Lana asked kindly, placing a hand on his knee.

"Hmm? Oh, no! It's nothing bad!" he reassured her, "I've just adopted a Bowtruckle and I'm trying to get it to like me..." he trailed off, making Lana giggle.

"So have I! We should go to the forest together soon and maybe they can meet each other!" she said excitedly.

"I'd love that." he smiled sweetly at her, gazing into her big brown eyes that were looking up at him.

The moment didn't last, however, as Merula and Ismelda came storming over to them, making them jump apart.

"What's going on here then, Riviera?" Merula demanded.

"Nothing that concerns you, Snyde." Lana shot back, making Barnaby snort a laugh.

"What are you laughing at, traitor?" the Slytherin girl glared at him.

"I'm not a traitor, Merula. I chose to join Lana's side because she actually cares about me and my opinions, which you never did." he started with a frown, standing up, "Lana listens to me, shares her ideas with me, let's me make decisions, and makes me feel like a better person. You were the complete opposite, Merula. I hated working for you, and being with Lana really made me realise that." he finished.

The three girls stared at him in shock, amazed that he said all that by himself, as he never usually says anything that deep and meaningful.

"Fine. Have it your way." was all Merula had to say, before storming off back to the castle, Ismelda sneering at them before following her. Barnaby sat back down next to the Gryffindor girl.

"You really mean all that?" she asked the boy next to her, awestruck.

He took her hand in his and looked her in the eye, "Of course I do, Lana. You're the only person in my life who's ever shown me true kindness and made me feel like I'm actually worth something." he said honestly.

Lana felt tears brimming in her eyes, so she just flung her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly.
He dug his face in her shoulder and wrapped his arms around her waist, a few tears spilling out of his own eyes, as he realised that she was the only person who truly made him feel loved, more than his own family. They stayed like that for a few minutes, holding onto each other, feeling every emotion be shared between them without the need for any words.

They broke apart and stood up, Lana taking his hand in her own, "Right," she said with a watery smile, "let's get to potions."

I sort of went off a bit in this chapter hehe
but I wanted to capture how strongly Barnaby feels towards Lana and I thought that standing up to his former "boss", as it were, was a great way :)
anyways please let me know if you liked it and I'll see you soon :)
byeee <3

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