yay home sweet home

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We landed at 1in the morning in California. Everyone was tried and fussy.  " bye Ricky bye Sophia " we said in sync.  Ricky gave everyone a hug and so did Sophia they headed out the door to the air port and headed home. I walked up to Zeke an hugged him.  " take care of my girl if you hurt her I'll break you i don't care if we are twins I'll break you" I whispered in his ear. While we were in Netherland Zeke asked Tasha to marry him. They are getting married Christmas day. "I will" he whispered back he squeezed me tight then kissed my forehead goodbye.  Tasha ran up to me and jumped up and wrapped her legs around me "I love you baby girl be safe and No sex" I tell her "I love you to. I'll see you later " she said.  Tasha acts like I'm leaving Forever.  We said our goodbyes . Alec and Jacqueline found a flat about 6 blocks from our flat. "Be safe I love you guys" I said to them both and hugged them " we will" they said walking out the air port. I watched as they left.  Soon enough I felt strong arms around me " Hey baby you ready to head home" Alex ask me I nob my head Yes. He unwrapped his arms an grabs my hand with our free hands we grab our luggage. We walked out the air port hand and hand. Alex out our luggage in the car and opened the passage side door  "Well Thank you kind sir" I said " you welcome my lady " he respond. Alex drove home. The drive home was peace full.  When we got home Alex opened my door and held his hand out for me to take I gladly took his hand . He grabbed our luggage and headed for the door. We got inside and he Thur the bags on the floor. " I love you Alex" I say he kisses my cheek and says I love you back . .Alex and I where to lazy to climb up the stairs so we just crashed on the couch. 

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