author note

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i have currently broke my phone so at the moment i do not have a phoen for about a week to two weeks ):  i am using my notebook laptop i will try and updated more to the story. for the next few chapters are all going to be of demi in the mental hosptal.the nexted couple charpers willne of demis thoughts. no one will be talking to her just her thought. i really hope you guys are liking the story so far. im sorrry for spelliing and grammer issues im not a perfect writer but i try my best. also if your being bullied in any kind of way. or you feel alone or like your arent worth being here feel free to message me anytime i will anwser as soon as i can.  i understand what some of you guys been though beacuse i been though it to. ive been bullied ive felt alone ive wanted to die ive cut ive straved myself ive burn myself before. just know that no matter what size shae or form you are you are beaitiful. you may not see it but you are. just be who you are and dont care what others have to say. i get life can be tough and all but really it does get better after a while. im inspired to say all of this beacuse my frined made me watch a youtube viedo about amanda todd some of you guyd might know her and what happened. everyone has there opoinon on it. well heres mine

no one and i mean no would should be told they desver to die. its cruel. everyone makes mistakes. no one is perfect. she flashed someone and they turned her would upside down. she was i believe 15 when she illed herrself. just think she wont be abole to walk down the alie. she wont be able to be called a mom and have kids. she cant go to prom she was just a young girl that made a mistake that got out of hand. she made a viedo to reach out for help beacuse she was alne she needed friends. how the hell would you feel if this happened to you? you would feel the same? they peopel that bullied her and the guuy that post the pictures of her those people are pathtic self centerd jerks that dont care about a young girl that took her life beacuse of them. 

some people ask why her story was so big in 2012. i cant anwser that but all commited death has a reason for them and they are all important. a death is losing a loved one. losing a loved one sucks. sorry guys im ranting,,.. i just wanted to let it all out beacuse im sick of bullys and people thinking what they do is cool when it's not. 

i got to go later my fluffy unicorns <3

love you alll 



message me if you need me im always here. <3333

byeeeeeee stay strong 

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