day 2

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Day 2: bang bang bang I heard on our door it was 6:30. I crawled out of bed and opened my door. "What" I yelled "get up now" the mean lady said. I didn't feel like I was in a mental hospital I felt like I was in boot camp. Everyone came out there room and lined up for there daily dose of medicine.  I took mine then headed to the dinning area I sat with Kira and her group up friends. ( I'm going to use the cast of red band society the t.v. show). "May I sit here" I ask.
The shrugs there shoulders. I took a sit next to Kira . " I'm demi" I introduce myself
"I'm jordi"
" I'm Leo"
"I'm dash"
I'm charlie"
"And I'm Emma" they all introduce them self . "may I ask why you guys are in here for." I ask. "Well I'm in here for OCD" jordi said. "I'm in here for attempted suicide" dash spoke "I'm here for anxiety,Depression, suicide" leo and Charlie  said . " I'm i here for an eating disorder and suicide" Emma said. "What about you" dash asked " same as Emma " I bluntly said I finished my food. I then stood up and went back to my room. I can't believe I have to stay here as long as I get the help I need I don't care.

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