the end of the book

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6 years later.

"Ricky Alex Alec hannha Amanda Jacqueline and alec and Sophia  " I yelled I'm in so much pain I'm 8months pregnant with twins. "What " they yell "its time" I yell. The boys pick me up while the girls get the keys. Alex and I have been married for six's and eight months ago we touch we should start a family. Hanna and Amanda adopted a baby boy and named him jake . shopia and Ricky had two babys . a girl and a boy. The baby girls name is may and the boys name is hunter. Alec and Jacqueline had a baby boy and named him jeydon. I'm having to baby girls. "AHHHHH" I SCREAMED there coming fast. We get to the hospital and they bring me to the labor room fast. They say I need c section. An hour later I have a two baby girls laying on my chest. "you did it babe" Alex says kissing my forehead. "I love you riely and hunter and I love you baby" I say to all three. Yes we gave them boy names we liked those names and we picked them.  Alex holds them and our friends take pictures.


Hunter may Jackson & riely rose Jackson

Born on may4th 2020

The start of our family.

Hunter and riely when they are three in the pic heh.

Bye guys I love you and I will be starting a new book called long lost sisters.

The two main characters are Hannha and kitty.  Hannha lives in new York and kitty lives in Florida Miami I am starting to wrote the book now. In going to try and make the chapters long. I will probably publish the first acutal chapter after my midterms . I love you all bye

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