wedding planing

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*Amanda's POV*

Hannha and I have been planning the wedding for a week. We have everything picked out. We are going with a LGBT theme wedding. (All of the dresses and decorations are to the side) we are both wearing matching dresses. We have sent out the cards and the wedding is in three days. Right now Hannha is talking to her parents again. Hannhas parents don't  accept her being a lesbian and they told her they will not attend the wedding . I walk up to her and grab her waist and kiss her cheek. She smiles and blushes at me. I love her she's my world. "You know what mom all I wanted was dad to walk he's own damn daughter down the walk way but no you guys can't accept that your damn daughter is gay. Sorry I love girls and sorry I'm not perfect like Chris. I'm not going to college to be a freaking doctor like him. I'm not perfect and sorry for every asking for a favor" she yelled though the phone and hung up.  " shhh baby its okay no no don't cry please " I cooed I picked my phone up and dailed Chris number . "hey Amanda congrats on you and my little sister" he says as he picks the phone up. "Are you coming to the wedding if so can I ask for a big big favor. " I plead see Chris lives in Australia. That means if he is I'm buying the plane ticket "yes I wouldn't miss it in the world why what's wrong" he asked sounding worried "you dumb ass parents they aren't coming and Hannha wanted mike to walk her down the walk way and he said no so i  was wondering because you love your sister in law so much will you walk her down please Chris please" I pleaded like a two year old. "I would love to and I love you to hey I got to go and you arnt buying me a plane ticket I will buy my own" he says "oops already did" I said and hung up the phone. I waled back to Hannha and told her the good news she kissed me slowly and passionately I placed my hands on her waist. "I love you princess" Hannha says "I love you my queen" I say back. This girl will be the death of me. Two more days till the wedding we went to bed early and cuddled

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