Chapter Four

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"What are you doing?" Jace stood over me, trying his best to stifle a laugh. Still groggy from my slumber, I furrowed my eyebrows at him and glanced to the digital clock under the television. 6:35am. "What are you doing awake at 6:30 in the morning?" I retaliated, rolling my eyes at him. Jace scoffed at my remark. "I asked you first, and I would appreciate if you would stop with the eye roll already. One day they're going to roll out of your head." The corners of his lips curled upwards before he returned back to his typical stony expression.

"You sound like my mother." I bit back. "And I'm trying to sleep so I would appreciate if you would leave me alone." I sighed. He was not worth my energy, especially this early in the morning. "Remember our agreement." Jace snapped back quickly. "You are supposed to be polite this morning." I did not answer his request. If I remembered correctly I agreed that I would converse with everyone. I never mentioned that I would be polite. Jace didn't wait for a response before speaking again, "and for a girl who has a death wish I'm surprised to find you watching videos of the Games. Change of heart?" He inquired.

I met his eyes. He appeared to have that 'I told you so' look written all over his face; I despised his smugness. "Please. A girl doesn't change in one night. I'm still planning on dying the second I step foot in that arena." I grabbed my thin blanket off the couch, ready to retreat back to my room. Hopefully I could catch a couple more hours of sleep before breakfast. "You're just angry." Jace spoke to me as I began walking down the short hallway to my room, not hesitating to rip my door open and immediately bury myself in bed.

Of course I'm angry. I lived a quaint life in Seven before having everything I love most torn away from me in a matter of seconds so I can go fight to the death in an arena. I have the right to be angry. Who does Jace think he is? It's probably better that I don't don't give a damn about the Games. That's one less tribute to train. Maybe Seven could finally have another victor in Mason. I sighed and focused on falling back asleep. Whatever. Maybe I am being irrational, but I just don't see any other option at this point. 

At some point I drifted into a light sleep, only awaking at Cecelia's knock. "Breakfast!" Her voice echoed through the train cabin. I heard Mason leave his room and walk towards the table are. I ran a brush through my hair before straightening out my sweater and leaving my room. Time to be my usual cheery self. 

"Good morning Avery! It's nice to see you out here. Are you feeling any better dear?" Cecelia smiled as I reached the table where Mason and Jace were already sitting, digging into their french toast and strawberries. "I am feeling a lot better thanks for asking!" I answered brightly. "That medicine worked wonders. I cannot thank you enough!" I caught Jace's eye as I took my seat at the table. He had a smirk on his face, probably laughing at my kindness. "Anytime sweetheart. And Mason? Did you sleep alright?" Cecelia turned her attention over to Mason as I took a bite of my breakfast. It was delicious. I never tasted such a flavorful breakfast in my life. Most of our food back home was rather bland.

I missed Mason's response, but soon after Cecelia switched topics. Boy did she talk a lot. "We have a busy day today ladies and gentlemen. We should be arriving at the Capitol in less than an hour. After that you two will immediately be sent to meet your stylists. Tonight is the tribute parade after all." Cecelia looked at both Mason and I to make sure we were absorbing the information. I smiled and nodded, "I can't wait." 

Truth is I had paid little attention to the reapings of the other districts. I was curious to see all of the tributes at the parade tonight. I wonder if any twelve year olds were chosen this year; that always put a damper on the Games. Not even the most loyal Hunger Games viewers enjoyed watching a twelve year old be killed. 

"I want you both to understand how important the parade is. It will be your first opportunity for sponsors to see you! From now on you both need to be on your best behavior." Cecelia said to Mason and I in a stern tone. Jace broke his own silence to contribute. "I just want to emphasize how important it is to be likeable." He placed extra emphasis on the 'likeable' part of the sentence. "It could be the difference between life and death." 

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