Chapter Twenty-Five

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That evening the phone rang. The shrill tone did little to break the solemn atmosphere of the living room we were all gathered in. Ezra sat quietly reading an old newspaper while Jace lazily watched the Capitol news. Cecelia had been teaching me to knit until we were interrupted by the phone ringing. 

Bored, I picked at my fingernail polish hardly hearing a word Cecelia spoke. Eventually she placed the phone back on the wall and clapped her hands together, warranting our attention. "Jace! The Capitol called. They want you to know that President Marx sends his deepest condolences about your brother's illness, and even better! We're set to leave for the Victory Tour tomorrow morning!" My head snapped around as I jumped from my seat on the couch. Cecelia glowed as she rushed towards me; "darling you'll get to see your family soon." 

Later that night I sat on the balcony unable to fall asleep in my own bed. I watched the quiet streets and imagined what it would be like to be home with my family in Seven. Maybe the world would feel right again. Maybe I would finally feel safe. The glass door behind me opened and I didn't have to turn my head to know it was Jace. "Can't sleep?" He asked quietly as he sat down next to me. "No" I responded into the darkness. "It's strangely peaceful out here" I noted as I admired all of the little lights in the distance from the various Capitol buildings. Jace silently nodded. "You grow to appreciate it. It is quite beautiful in all its grandeur." 

"Listen I have these for you if you want them" he offered me a small round container. I took it from his grip and inspected it curiously. It seemed to hold pills of some sort. I looked up at him in confusion as he began to explain. "It's just melatonin. It will help you sleep better." I sighed to myself and searched his shadowy blue eyes. "Thank you. I appreciate it." He stood from his spot next to me and planted a firm kiss on my forehead before retiring to bed. I remained outside for a few minutes before returning to my own bed. After reluctantly swallowing one of the pills I rested my head on my pillow and fell into one of my deepest sleeps thus far. 

The morning consisted of Cecelia rushing everyone to the train station, bags in our hands. Ezra dressed me in a simple white sundress with long elegant sleeves and a pair of beige wedges. Before leaving the apartment I clasped my star choker onto my neck and shoved a few outfits Ezra created for me into a small duffel bag. As we piled in the car I felt myself touch the dainty stars resting upon my neck. I remembered how important this necklace was to me at home; it was one of the only pieces of jewelry I owned. The only thing in my possession fancier than this necklace was my golden victor's crown, but I planned on burying that deep in my closet and never seeing it again. 

The train station was crowded with hundreds of Capitol citizens vying to catch a glimpse of me before I departed their city. Jace walked ahead of me with Ezra behind as we passed lines upon lines of people. I offered a tight smile to the masses of people and waved shyly to them, their voices blending together in a song of chaos. "Avery! Do you have a boyfriend?" One voice called out. "Hey! What happened to Mason?" Another voice echoed. "Why was the Victory Tour resumed!" A few people exclaimed. I ignored their comments and boarded the train as quickly as possible, feeling both overwhelmed and exhausted.

As Cecelia helped prepare the small table for a meal I located Jace who was staring outside the window at the large crowds of people still shoving each other for a chance to see the train leave. "I don't owe them anything" I whispered blankly from beside Jace. "I don't want anything to do with them. I don't even want to be associated with the Games" I added in a defeated voice. Jace just continued to gaze out the window. "It dies down eventually. People forget. They move on" he spoke quietly. I combed my hair back and studied Jace's demeanor before continuing the conversation. "I don't know how you did this alone" I admitted. But it was true. I had Jace to guide me, protect me, and help me, but Jace didn't have anyone he could lean on for emotional support. He must have been hurting after he lost Marie. He must have been scared with President Marx threatening him. Jace just laughed lightly, playing it off. "I think we can both agree that in troubling situations such as these you discover a strength you didn't know you had." 

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