Chapter Twenty-Six

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The days following our visit to District Twelve were paved with nostalgia. As the outburst between Cecelia and I settled, the tension that previously existed within the quarters of the train eased and the thought of home resurfaced. I could feel the uneven floorboards of my kitchen underneath my feet, smell the fresh pine from the dense trees, and hear my mother's voice in my head. 

Shortly after that day in Twelve Ezra created a simple black dress to be worn in the remaining districts. I thanked him for his efforts as he reminded me that he would always be here to support me. "You'll never have to stand alone" Ezra stated sincerely. I only smiled in response to his words. I knew there was a village of people behind me. They were the people who lifted me when I was down, comforted me when I was upset, and motivated me when I was lost. They were the people that lent me the strength to win the Hunger Games. 

I successfully navigated District Eleven, Ten, and Nine with comfort. Cecelia rewrote my notecards into a speech that was tailored to each district; one that garnered empathy and respect from the citizens of Panem. Finally I felt as if I had found the proper words to express my condolences to the families of the fallen tributes. I greatly appreciated the time and effort Cecelia poured into assisting me with the Victory Tour. "Thank you Cecelia. I don't say it enough" I spoke to her the night before we arrived in District Nine. I witnessed a shadow of smile creep over her face as she turned her head. 

Throughout our journey I noticed an unusually large presence of Peacekeepers in the upper districts. "Why are there so many?" I asked Jace the afternoon before arriving in District Nine. We were standing in my bedroom together as I fastened the star choker across my neck in preparation for my speech. Jace only shook his head. "They're the more impoverished districts. The Capitol thinks they're more likely to rebel due to the lack of resources they're given." I raised my eyebrows at his response, "do they ever rebel?" I asked curiously. Jace snickered before taking a seat at the edge of my bed. "Hardly ever. President Marx makes sure of that."

I awoke on the morning of our visit to District Eight feeling both sorrowful and moved. It was a bittersweet feeling knowing that I would soon walk on Olivia and Emerson's soil. While I deeply missed Olivia's presence, I was excited to be in the presence of her family and younger siblings. I hoped my eulogy would help them gain closure. 

"Avery" Jace spoke, opening my door as I was preparing for the day's events. "Could you zip me?" I asked politely, standing quietly as he zipped the black lace dress. "Thank you" I smiled softly as I tied the black ribbon into my hairdo, skipping the star choker for today. Jace watched me carefully to gage my mood before speaking. "Olivia and Emerson today. How are you feeling?" 

I shrugged. "I need to do this. I owe it to Olivia. She loved her family with everything in her, and at the moment I'm the closest thing they have to her." Jace wrapped his arms around me protectively and I leaned into his chest. No words had to be said. That was the beautiful thing about Jace; he just understood.

A couple of hours later we were being escorted to District Eight's Square by a line of Peacekeepers. Cecelia walked beside me and gave my hand a tight squeeze before the ceremony began. "You were a good friend to Olivia. A really good friend." I squeezed her hand back before letting go and taking the stage at my introduction.

I held my head high and tried to ignore the weight of Olivia's friendship resting between my shoulder blades. As I stepped towards the podium a thunderous round of applause greeted me. All around me citizens were smiling brightly and cheering, giving me a warm welcome to District Eight. The response was unlike anything I experienced in any of the other districts, and I desperately attempted to contain my tears as I saw Olivia's family standing proudly in the back of the audience, clapping along for me. 

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