Chapter Nine

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"Avery! What a job well done. Everyone was absolutely raving about you. I couldn't have been prouder of my sweet girl!" Cecelia appeared backstage, choking back emotion as she embraced me. Pride swelled in my stomach as I returned her tight hug. For once I had done something that warranted her approval. I didn't hear her gushing over Mason.

"We shall get going back to the apartment. Jace and Mason are already on their way! I cannot wait to eat dinner with everyone tonight. The food will be exquisite." Cecelia guided me out of the stage area and into the black car that was awaiting us. We were welcomed by an Avox girl who smiled softly at us before putting the car in drive. My heart panged with guilt at the sight of her. It was difficult to be receiving the utmost care in the Capitol knowing that others were enslaved in the same place. I shuddered at the thought of the Avox children getting their tongues cut out and focused my attention outside the car window where we passed by hundreds of Capitol citizens. The weather had suddenly grown quite dreary with raindrops threatening to fall from the clouds. 

My previous joy was replaced with a heavy feeling. It was sick the way the government operated. The Hunger Games. The Avoxes. The Peacekeepers and their public whippings. I didn't understand how anyone could live in this unjust world. How could anyone let it get to this? "Cecelia" I spoke uncertainly, feeling as if I had to address the thoughts that were eating me alive. She turned her head around from the seat in front of me and raised her eyebrows, "yes dear?" She spoke in a concerned tone, sensing my hesitation. I peeled my eyes away from the window and studied her expression carefully. "How do you do it? Year after year? How do you get to know tributes and then watch them... Die?" I stuttered out.

Cecelia clearly wasn't expecting such an intrusive question but I didn't regret asking it. Over the past days I had grown to care for Cecelia. She wasn't the annoyance I once perceived her to be, instead I began to view her in true light; as a woman who is strong and benevolent. She made an effort to offer compassion and kindness to each District Seven tribute, personally connecting with them before having to witness them suffer and ultimately perish. Cecelia could have chosen to be cold, but instead she chose to work hard to make her tributes comfortable in their final days even when it took a great toll on her. 

Cecelia glanced forward before turning back to me. "Hope, Avery." She paused to compose herself before elaborating. "It's hope. Every once in a while there's a victor. Every once in a while we send someone out to the Games and we don't have to say goodbye. Because they come back, and that makes everything worth it." I nodded slowly, absorbing every word. Cecelia was wise. She had been doing this for years and I appreciated her words. "You cannot live your life expecting the worst. It's too easy to sit here and allow your life to be dictated by those superior to you. It's too easy for me to wake up in the morning and say 'why try?' But you must keep going. The only thing stronger than fear is hope. Don't give them the satisfaction." I nodded slowly and offered a tiny smile. I felt inspired by Cecelia's talk. It was brave of her to speak of the Games and the Capitol; I knew her 'them' referred to President Marx and Damon Lynx. Cecelia's positive attitude was a way to defy the Capitol and to show them they don't own her. 

I felt more at peace with myself but still had one question that had been lingering in the back of mind ever since I began this journey. "What about Jace? What was he like?" I asked quietly. Cecelia once again raised her eyebrows and I felt myself blush at her stare. Once again I had found myself feeling flustered by the thought of Jace. There was something about him that captivated me. "Jace was a the perfect boy. Everyone knew he was different from day one. You have this dark haired, blue eyed boy from Seven who just looks different. He was clever, kind, and so impressively strong. He had this quiet confidence to him. There was never any doubt in my mind that he would win" Cecelia seemed content to reflect back to Jace's year of the Games. I imagined that it was very rewarding to have him returned safe and sound as a victor.

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