Episode 14 - "Magnolia"

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Episode 14 -

MORGAN, sleeping sound, is settled peacefully on a bed of white magnolias underneath the shade of an immense tree covered with pink leaves. It's heaven on earth.

All you can hear is the whistle of the wind and the leaves swaying off the tree as it falls from one beauty to another.

MORGAN opens his tired eyes. Bewilderment and shock is spread throughout his body from head to toe as he questions where he is - not reaching a conclusion.


Anyone out there?

However, MORGAN realises that he did not need a conclusion. All he wants is a stress free sleep, for once in his sorrowful life. A smile lit up his face.

(his voice heard)
You can come back from this —
I know you can.

The smile drastically disappears as he hears the voice of an old friend from the not so long past. A voice he cannot get out of his head that keeps coming back over and over again.

Rick? Rick, where are you?

Come back to Alexandria, Morgan.

It is a request that MORGAN hears ever so often. Everyday. Words that never fade away. It's from RICK.

Help me restore order, come back and
rebuild civilization with me.

You're a leader, Morgan.
Be the leader.

Rick? Rick!

MORGAN bellows for RICK'S name, hoping RICK would hear. Not even a walker could hear, from a million miles. All MORGAN could hear is silence once again. No other voices.

MORGAN looks at his fatigued legs and notices what appears to be blood coming from his jeans. He spends a couple of seconds frozen, as if he was freezing from a snow storm.

MORAN slowly lifts up his rugged jeans and spots a blood-red tooth mark at the end of both his legs. He is certain of what will happen.

MORGAN looks in front of him. He sees ALICIA.


ALICIA, looking neutral, aims for MORGAN's sweaty, fevery head with her gun held high. Her voice sounding rather blood-curdling before pulling the trigger to make sure his death is painless, as she knows MORGAN does not deserve to suffer.

It's over, Morgan.

I'm sorry, but it's over.

ALICIA pulls the trigger.


MORGAN arises from his spine-chilling, traumatic nightmare to the real world. A world that is just as bad as he remembers it.

However, he thought of the afterlife for one moment. Knowing he could of been back with the woman he loved and the son he misses. A reunition could of been held, in the clouds.

MORGAN lays next to a tree. He looks around to see everyone sleeping, except JOHN DORIE who lays his back on a tree as he keeps watch.

JOHN DORIE notices MORGAN arising. He looks at him from a distance. He waves.

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