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Jungkook's POV

"Why me?WHY ME....GODDAMN IT???", Jungkook stamped his feet furiously on the floor and almost like flash, came back to his respect stance when he saw his dad stand up from the chair.

His dad almost punched his face with his clenched fists,"Because you are my eldest son. And because you don't hesitate how hard the job is Jungkook~ah....I TRUST YOU.."

"That is not the reason, I can assume that.",came Jungkook's grumpy sound but with respect as he stood before his dad with his hands tied back and his head hung in shame and regret of having followed his foolish cousins to this brethren.

"NOW THAT YOU KNOW THE FUCKING REASON..THEN WHY DON'T YOU JUST GODDAMN GO AND DO IT?", Shouted his dad which echoed in the wide public office room .The spooky  room was empty with just he and his dad standing face to face and a garbage box that witnessed their argument.The plump man in front of him with a long white beard covering his upper chest and his bald head stood rooted to the ground as he grew furious with his strong hands holding onto the grip of the table, balancing his overweight and rising agony.

"I can't .Dad, He is a good friend and-d-d.....",came Jungkook's broken voice even before he could stop himself for he knew his dad was gonna break up his bones.He didn't meet his eyes for he knew that his dad would have killed him through critical glares then itself.

His dad had had enough!

"Let me say one thing Jungkook~ah..You are my son and don't make me say that you are not mine. I have made many sacrifices in my life. And you are one of the results of my sacrifice..I gave up something huge -something more than friendship to have you which you absolutely know.

Its love papa..its not friendship..like you assume....

"I gave up your mom for gaining you ...and-d..and-d..",his dad broke down into tears and Jungkook's hanging head rose almost immediately with a emotion which he held back most of the time whenever his dad recollected his mom who had withered away when she gave birth to him.

Jungkook moved closer to his dad and he felt his very tears falling down on seeing his dad sobbing with his fingers covering his face. Never did his dad cry these days! 

He knew that spying on his best friend was like a curse and a betrayal of the very gorgeous relationship they had as to when they blushed on receiving each others gifts and when they grew goddamn jealous on seeing the other with another fellow in close proximity.

He knew he could never convince his dad of the beautiful relationship he had on his lover -- one-sided loving for now as he had never confessed yet. He just hugged his dad tightly so he could comfort him.

"Papa~~~~~Jebal...don't cry. You know that I can't see you cry like this..especially in the memory of Mama...", came Jungkook's sobbing tone as ugly moans of pain escaped his small mouth. The only talk about his mom made him tear up.

His dad hugged him back which felt a little strange to him because it had been quite long ever since his dad had hugged him but he held on like a pussy who wanted love so bad especially from his only dad .

"Do it..Son-n-n..you shouldn't be disappointing your father especially when he sacrificed his very own lovely wife for you...."

Jungkook knew that his very own love would be almost gone if his soulmate finds out!!

He cried relentlessly as his dad spoke with his big hefty hands wrapped around his back,"You know that this child we are spying on would be a very easy target for you..For him, we are getting a billion dollars...With that we can stop all this rude businesses and start a prince's life ."

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