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Jungkook knew that the black rusted gate which marked the entrance of his lover's villa would be open just as how Jimin's laziness noticed it. It would have been suspense to actually find the gate half open and even the door of the house partially left open.

Jungkook with Jimin in his arms, who had turned unconscious within moments before was stunned by the silence of the house and he ran inside to see what was going on. The nasty smell of some chemical that would make anyone choke made Jungkook tensed and crooked. His forehead creased as he scanned the empty surroundings and he saw only the decorated furniture- a table full of food left open and the flies buzzing around and the TV that was hanging on his right near which the set of brown sofa lay. The hall which led to the bedroom was empty except for the usual dining table on top of which laid a table mat and to the sides, another set of sofas in the best leather Jungkook had ever seen.

But his eyes trembled when he saw the floor.

For the floor was flushed in deep red blood gushing out like a river. Jungkook laid down jimin on the sofa softly and he kneeled down. He then smelled the paint like a liquid that was decorating the floor like the evening red sky. The minute his fingers touched the very essence of the dark volatile liquid on the floor and his eyes started to make sense of everything.the blood was actually coming from the stairs. The moment he realized what had happened, he ran up the stairs coated with gold stairs and his shaking legs made it hard for him. But he ran up and what beheld before him made him throw up.

There lying hanging on the fan was the man who was referred to as dad by his lover. His limbs were cut brutally with a sword which lay on the ground, flushed with blood dripping and his neck was strangled (no doubt) as Jungkook knew the protruding nerves on his neck gave out too much of how the murder was conducted. It wasn't meant to show a suicide no matter how hard it was for the killer to actually take the trouble of hanging him after an obvious slash and kill method.

Jungkook didn't lay a finger on the hanging dead man. He knew doing anything would lead to him being caught with fingerprints so he made sure to take a close look around to make sure if he had any idea of who had done this. The very fact that one of the world's leading businessman of all times in Korea passed away after an obvious murder would be on the news the next morning no matter what. So he made sure to start the investigation earlier itself.

The room was the study table and official office room of Jimin's dad as of no doubt now. He was so sure as he had heard from Jimin how often his dad talked to the pictures in the room rather than to him. Jimin would always complain about how particular his dad was about the pictures and he used to lock the door when he left for any place or interview. Jungkook saw the pictures that were hanging on the wall like a museum. He explored the vast space around him and felt like it was all an illusion. The death was something of an illusion for in each and every photo, he could make out only one lady.

The smiling face of a lady who was in one portrait.

Another portrait showed the hip curve of the very same lady painted in black. Her body shape which hung across the transparent dresses that tried to hide her naked body in vain left her showing her beautiful lean figure and her less of a belly. 

The next portrait was of the lean legs that were clearly a man's addiction. Those legs which were meant to adore and touch were on a paper with black ink shading every strand of hair that was left on those unshaved legs. The black beauty spots on either thigh were specifically drawn and the artistic vision of imagining a woman with the very same legs would be a dream indeed!

Jungkook's eyes were tearing up as he thought of turning around to face the next portrait that surrounded the circular hallway. The nose, ears, and cheeks were in different canvases and the perfections were too much detailed that not even Picasso would try to correct these paintings.

The breasts that were exposed underneath the blouses of black and white. The way the hands were shifted to the sides so that her strong biceps were shown.

Jungkook gasped for breath as he noticed the perfection of every part.

He didn't need a translator or a mind reader to tell him who had actually drawn all these.

He wanted to see a whole image of this beautiful woman.

Jimin's mom

He wanted to and his mind mourned for one whole image.

He wanted to.

But he heard the sirens of ambulances approaching.


How is that possible?

They were police sirens!.

His mind processed faster and he ran downstairs. The sofa showed no jimin. He ran to the outside and near the gate stood Jimin on the phone. Jungkook smiled on seeing him safe and he ran to get him so the both of them could escape. But his eyes blew out of its sockets when he saw Jimin phoning someone, with his back rudely turning its back to the younger.

The police sirens were approaching and jungkook knew there was no time. He grabbed Jimin's hand and shouted, "Jimin~ah....we need to leave. The police and others might suspect us for the murder.....The blood....umm...its your dad's.I am sorry...he was killed. But we need to leave...After all, you hated him, didn't you?"

Jimin smirked which left Jungkook stunned.


Jimin turned around and there was blood smashed in his face. Jungkook gasped when he saw the gate locked and Jimin holding onto the chains that wrung around the gate. The chains were dipped in blood and Jimin was still tired and soggy just like how he was but he looked ferocious like a bully and a mockingbird who felt annoyed. His eyes weren't full of love neither were they conveying happiness or drool. It was full of hatred and violence. Jungkook knew that Jimin was acting weird.

Unless and until this was all a play.

But how?

The fainting, the hug before falling unconscious, his bleeding hands with cuts, the "I wanna be with you always" dialogues---Was that all a play?

Yeah right...Why the hell am I thinking of nonsense?

Jungkook gulped when he heard those words.

Jimin smiled mockingly and said with red bleeding teeth and his fake disguised cuts on his palm which he stripped off like they were some paper stickers,

'I killed him.....and you are gonna be responsible."



Harsh Obsession |16+|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora