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Sorry for the late update.Promise to update sooner 

Jungkook could only stare.

He recollected of how often he had stared at his jiminie~~

When they went for endless dates,  when they went for outings to the beaches (Mochi's favorite) or to Jungkook's countryside. When they went to a restaurant and ordered for food, Jungkook couldn't stop himself from staring at the Jimin who would be smiling angelically at his boyfriend asking,"We should order the same thing right? Like how couples do?".Jungkook would just end up nodding as he stared dreamily with his hands holding his face and his face already under the charm of his Mochi.

When he stared at Jimin whenever he lend the waiter a tip with   a hard attempt in wink, when  he took selfies with a cute aegyo , when he stared as he would whisper onto his ear," Tonight...~~Lets enjoy". When he stared as he giggled after watching a romantic thriller, when he stared at his angel as he slept beautifully with his lips partied.

It was too unbelievable. A knife was stabbing his heart for a while. He was still making out how weird it was. How this was actually happening. Jungkook just stood there with his head hung and he knew if he tried, he could do any techniques to bite off the rope which was holding his hands together.

He could hit Jimin with a rock and make him faint so he could grab an opportunity to jump by the fence and run. He could do anything to make an escape for . Jimin stood metres away from him, on his phone . He didn't even leave a glance at Jungkook. He was busy doing his own thing as he called the police and the other important departments.

Jungkook couldn't walk. His legs were tied up with hard coarse material that strangled his fragile muscles which had had a very tiring exercise session last day. His hands were tied too but it was in cloth and ripping it off was like a piece of cake.

He thought of running.

Away from the police who are gonna arrive in seconds.

Away from the news reporters who would be asking questions out of the blue," Yes sir..Please..Please do tell us why you murdered Mr Park?">.."Any business deals that he rejected of yours?"..."Is it any deception or evil attacks?"..." Any personal reasons?"...."Do you know how long will you be in jail?".....

Away from his dumb dad who had pulled him into this trap. Well, that doesn't seem to be true. It was all his fault.

Falling in love with the devil himself.

Jungkook couldn't believe it.

How could his Jimin....?

How could he?

The angelic one who would moan louder and louder as Jungkook pulled him closer.The one who stole embarrassing laughs as he shut off the ones who would try to flirt with Jungkook. The one who would talk for hours on the phone?

Was that all a part of his act?

Jungkook still didn't know.

He had a thousand questions roaming around his little delicate brain.

And his third-grade books nor his kindergarten education was helping him to get answers to these.

He wasn't angry.

For some reason, he felt like this would have been how the love story ended.

With jungkook betraying his lover anyways.

However, it had come up to be the other way round now.

And Jungkook has no bad feelings even now.


Jimin didn't speak another word to him. The ambulances arrived with congested doctors fit inside and many stretchers pulled outside. They were hurriedly pushed off to the big villa to collect the deceased while jungkook remain tied and hopeless in the front yard as he sat on the grass which had grown so long enough to itch anyone who put their butts there.

The police arrived within another hour and Jungkook stood up in respect, waiting for the legal guys to pull him into the His eyes did trace for his lover but he was nowhere to be seen. two police in black uniform and big caps had come to take him. one of them removed his bondages and gave him the handcuffs saying,"Just put them on."

Jungkook was shocked at the informality and he asked politely," Why don't you put them for me ?"
The other man who seemed to be in his fifties said,

"You don't seem to be the guy who would run away from what you did, especially after waiting an hour for us to arrive."

Jungkook nodded and he managed to give a smile. Yes, his Jimin had provided every detail composed with his very own lies to convince the police of the murder of Mr. Park.

Though Jungkook wantd=ed to confirm, he didn't feel like asking.

He knew that the truth would be painful and backstabbing.

"Why would you do that, son?"

Jungkook gawked at the fifty-year-old police.


He asked again,

"Why would you kill a man who has age and wealth like your own father who is at home?Are kids like you common these days?"

They had almost reached the police van which lay near the field on the back. There weren't many people there that he could recognize but he knew the news channels and reporters would be there brimming from the very next day onwards.

He then asked," Sir, did you ask Mr. Park's son this question?"

The policeman in his twenties laughed and answered cheerfully,

"As a matter of fact, we did and he told us that jerks like you were always actually spying on him and his dad. He just really wanted you dead it seems."

Jungkook's tears flowed down like a lake overflowing after heavy rain. His heart had split into two. After all, Jimin did know. He did know the younger was spying at him. Jungkook however wanted to tell jimin that his love was real. And that wasn't fake or counterfeit like the other suspected.

Jungkook wiped off his tears and he asked the policemen who had made him comfortable on the back of the jeep,

"Can I meet Mr park jimin at least once before leaving?"

The policemen sighed and they looked at each other with uncertainty on their faces.

"Who ?..Who you wanna meet ?", came the fifty-year-old's voice as he spoke. His name tag was being hidden by his big tie which swayed due to his plump physique as he moved, thus paving way for Jungkook to notice the name-- MR Kim

"Please Mr. Kim, I need to ..I need to meet...his son, Mr. Park jimin before going to the station. You both can accompany me too if you don't trust me. Just two minutes .", pleaded jungkook as he held the hands of Mr. Kim who was so frustrated.

Mr. Kim didn't say anything and he slammed his palm on Jungkook's back.

Then he said it.

Jungkook felt like the world was spinning when he heard it.

"Please son...Listen to me. The boys' name isn't Perk Jimi. His name is Park Chaeyon and the boy is a handicapped kid who stays at his mother's place which is a bit far away from here. Now tell me, who is this Park jimin you refer to?"


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