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Coming out felt like a pain. A pain that was unexplainable and meant for only himself. There was no one to receive him. He wasn't expecting anyone. His dad well of course wouldn't have even come to know because it had been a month's time. The deal of spying over Jimin and gaining him the benefits. But it didn't have to be so now.

Now that, every day seemed to be a new day full of new hopes, new expectations,and of course, new knowledge of experiencing the least of everything, he had managed to find happiness from very small things. He had made promises to the Grandpa-who had shouted at him for wasting food, screamed when he shook his head away at any accusations, made him show the difference between right and wrong, The one man who had told him about his life falling apart, but he had enjoyed it with the joy of having happiness with his son. Son-Namjoon. He wished to meet him one day.The address was clear in his head.

But he knew he had to find who that man was.

The man who had put him in a cell. The seducing king. The man of tears who had fucked him hard. The guy who had craved him with deep hatred somewhere deep inside . The one who had changed him. The one who had left him nothing. But Jungkook felt no cruelty to him now. It was pure curiosity of wanting to know who he was.


"Twenty dollars".

Jungkook offered to pay, and he immediately listened when the driver switched on the radio as per his request.

"Why prison?".

Jungkook was expecting he would be recognized, and he would be refused into the rickshaw but the man was a forty year old who wore a small loose pant, and a pink wrinkled shirt which was ironed at the ends it seems. His hands were seriously shaking wich could be understood due to the packets of cigarettes kept beside the picture of the God he worshipped.

"Framed for a death I never did."

The man wasn't surprised. Instead he closed the radio making Jungkook click his tongue in disapproval, but he should have known that he would get more than enough information from  a rickshaw driver.

"Know what the city is saying?"

"The whole world is searching for that someone who killed Mr GoYoung, the rich businessman who has had a great pull in the luxury business everywhere. The way he flourished it and now leaves after a murder just like that..."

Jungkook noticed the coincidence and he stressed,

"May I know who murdered him?"

The man laughed with air whispy with smoke and liquor, and he exclaimed with a babbling mouth,

"Prison indeed brainwashed minds! Well, you see some say its suicide while others stress its murder. The police hasn't found anything as of now. And sir, where did you say you were going? We have reached the city."

Jungkook found himself confused and strangely uncomfortable.He was expecting news channels flashing with his name, after the call of the police. The unanticipated noise of reporters flushing questions at him. All of this was too hard to understand and take into . He asked again despite the honks and sounds of horns penetrating his ears.

'Tell me , where has the police reached till now? Didn;t they ask for his family?"

This was the answer he was waiting for.

And the answer left him admitting the facts.

"Look, son. I know that his family is kind of weird. He has a wife who passed away after an accident leaving him traumatic. A son - indeed. But the son after the loss of his mother became shocked enough to get himself into an asylum for lunatics. Though relatives who go meet him say that he is fine though I know he is not. The bunch of uncles and aunts want his dad's fortune-the main reason why they crack lies like that."

Jungkook knew these information. He had heard it from the police but the news had some incomplete statement which left him hanging in one corner.

'But I have seen someone else there , too my son"

Jungkook listened intently.

"You know me. I am a rickshaw driver and I get calls from rich and the poor. The poor- because they have no other choice and from the rich because they can't spend money for the petrol of their luxurious cars. You see, once when I passed that big villa, my eyes fell upon this boy roaming around there. He stopped my rickshaw and asked for a ride. Sheesh! When he talked, it felt like as if i had done something wrong.I just asked him whether he was friends with the maid's son or maybe was even her son, it was when he spitted on the floor and told me to just drive instead of poking my nose."

The details were pleasantly helping.

"Maid's son?"

The driver laughed again as he took a U-turn. Jungkook had asked him to take him to a cheap dorm where he could stay with the money Grandpa had left for him only. So, this was the same money which he would use for three days after which he could start with a part time job , thus thereby gaining less attention from any of the police,in case they have eyes on him.

"They had a maid there. like all rich families, they owned one. She was a mermaid indeed. She uses to call me everyday to take her back home. Her home is a small slum on the southeast of Busan. The poor thing needs to live for her son so she does any household chores that comes her way.

'And yes, the son. He is a nice lad though I do see him from now to then. Though i don't know about siblings of his.He is short and cute, with chubby cheeks. His smile makes my day and I used to still remember those when he used my rickshaw from time to time carrying his bag as he sat singing to me those nursery rhymes , the way we sang together old traditional folk songs, the way he smacked my back when I teased him-its all good gone memories. Now he is a big boy..If you wanna recognize him then go find someone short..hahaha"


Jungkook finally grabbed all the pieces together.

The maid's son had to be Jimin.

But is it Jimin?

Or even some other name?

"Do you by chance know his name?"

The rickshaw had stopped to reach a dorm. It was a dorm which said :Laurel's Entertainer. Jungkook got out as he sighed saying, "No, my son. Don't take up this opportunity to pay me. I won't accept that. Because I owe you much."

Jungkook was confused.

"Why, my sir?"

He laughed and he said,

"Why were you imprisoned? For Goyong's death right?"

Jungkook thought twice. But he could have sworn that he never mentioned the name of whose ever had he killed. It was once Mr. Park for him when he came to know the full name of Jimin but now, he knew the real name. But how did this man know? The thoughts drove him crazy. The afternoon had mingled into a setting sun which left him no words. It indeed was a long ride.

"Please sir, make your demand. I will pay you."

But he laughed again. The laugh itself showed him the familiarity but it was too impossible.

"Juyong is my wife, and Jimin my son."

Jungkook gasped and he put his palms over his mouth in great shock!

The man was expecting this.

"And this is our hotel. He will be in the kitchen, working his ass off"


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