Chapter Three

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   (Rocky's POV)

   "Okay, first shop on the block." I heard Sora say as we walked in. He squeezed my hand with courage cause he knew I was shy to new people. Since we lived on an island with few people.

   The owner turned to us and grinned in a creepy way, "Who are you two? I can tell you guys are new to Traverse Town." He said as I hid behind Sora. "I am Sora and behind me is Rocky." Sora answered.

   The owner looked at us and finally spoke, "Name is Cid. Owner of this shop. I guess your home has been sucked into that storm too, eh?" Sora nodded, "Exactly." Cid grumbled and took the toothpick out of his mouth. "I can't do anything to help you folks out. I'm sorry, but be careful out there ya hear?" Cid said. Sora nodded and took my hand again, and lead me out of the creepy shop.


   (Sora's POV)

   "He creeped me out." I heard Rocky say when we were away from Cid's shop. I chuckled and squeezed her hand gently. We walked to the square where we first started our search. We walked through when we were ambushed.

   I summoned the Kingdom Key, as Rocky calls it. I heard Rocky summon hers and we both fought the creatures back. Those same ant like creatures attack with some soldier creatures. I heard Rocky fall and scream in pain as one creature spun and hit her. Her blade disappeared. I raced to her side to have my blade flown out of my hands. "No!" I said.

   My blade fell and someone picked it up. "I don't remember inviting you Heartless to this town." The stranger said, and attacked the Heartless with my blade. I saw Rocky unconscious while the stranger fought back and I limped over to her. I made her drink a small potion and she woke up slowly. I sighed in relief til I heard silence. I looked up to see the stranger in front of us. My blade still in hand, and looking like we were the next targets.


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