Chapter Thirteen

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   (Rocky's POV)

   I woke up to a purring Tiger in a bed. I yawned as Rajah brushed against me, purring loudly. Jasmine walked over and smiled, "Glad to see that you are up, Rocky" She said. I smiled back and got up, "Yeah. Rajah is a good guard." Rajah purred and brushed against the both of us.

   I looked around and stretched. I felt my muscles were a little stiff but I could move. Jasmine looked at me, "Do you want to sit near the fountain outside? Some fresh air would be comforting now." She asked kindly. I nodded as I felt a little wobbly. Rajah helped me walk outside with Jasmine when Sour-Faced Man himself came in front of us.

   "I'm sorry, My Queen. No one is allowed outside at the moment." Jafar said. Jasmine rolled her eyes and Rajah growled. "Just leave us alone. You can obviously tell that we aren't going to listen to you." I finally said and shoved him away.

   Rajah and Jasmine led me to the fountain as I heard Jafar mutter under his breath. He deserved far worse.
   I leaned against the fountain and petted Rajah as Jasmine sat on the edge of the fountain. "Are you and Aladdin... Dating?" I asked as Jasmine looked in the fountain. "I guess you can say that, but it's hard since he was born on the streets as what the guards call them, 'street rats'." Jasmine said.

   I looked at her, "Well that's not really nice. I mean, the guards bully the citizens and if you look outside the gates. It's not going well." I said. Jasmine nodded in agreement. "Also, my father wants me to marry a Prince." She rolled her eyes.

   "Well, that isn't fair at all," I said. "you should be able to marry whoever you wish to marry. It doesn't matter what their bloodline is. If you wish to marry him and you truely love him, then your father should understand." I explained. Jasmine looked at me. "That's exactly my point. No one really undestands. Well, except you and Aladdin."

   I smiled and I leaned against Rajah gently. I jumped when I heard someone yelling. Jasmine and I looked at each other and all three of us ran back inside the Palace.


(Sora's POV)

   This is so not going to work.
   Aladdin didn't want Jafar to get a hold of Genie so guess who had to dress like one, or let me say, three. Donald, Goofy, and I were dressed as Genies and we followed Aladdin inside the Palace.

  I saw the man on the throne. He has a really sour face. He had two Big Bodies guarding him. He smiled evily as he saw Aladdin and the 'three genies'.

   "Well Aladdin, you brought the lamp. Why are the Genies out? And what are you wearing?" He asked. Did he seriously fall for this? Aladdin cleared his throat, "They felt power in the Palace and ordered me to bring them to the powerful one." I noticed Donald's turban was falling off so I knew I had to do something.

   "Oh Master!" I said. "What shall be your first wish?" Aladdin was held back by Heartless now. Jafar smiled, "I wish to be Sultan of Agrabah!" How do I do that? I snapped my fingers and clapped my hands, "ABRACADABRA!"

   I led him to the window where Goofy was waving, "Hi Sultan! Can I have your autograph?" He said. "It takes a while for the citizens to notice." I explained and steered him away from the window. I noticed that Donald fixed his turban. I sighed quietly in relief.

   Jafar was starting to realize something. "Something doesn't seem right. Unless you thr---" He was interupted by a bang and blue smoke. Genie smiled and spoke, "Sorry Master, I had to clean my lamp."

   Donald looked shocked, "But Gen---" A zipper appeared on Donald's beck to shut him up. Genie faced us, "Thank you boys for helping out but I got it from here."

   Jafar looked suspicious, "How do I know you are the Real Genie?" Genie snapped his fingers and a new robe was worn by Jafar. "That was free of charge." Genie said. Jafar laughed evily, "Genie, for my first wish. Make me Sultan!" Genie looked at Aladdin and us then snapped his fingers.

   Nothing changed but Jafar laughed. "Make me a powerful Sorcerer!" He said. Genie sighed and snapped his fingers. Heartless swarmed behind us and pinned us back, causing our turbans to fall off. Jafar chuckled, "Stupid boy." I felt my anger bubble and explode into a Donald Duck moment.

   "You better let me go! You kidnapped Rocky and caused alot of people to find shelter because of your Heartless! When I get my hands on you, I swear I will---" I never got to finish cause my eyes widden. Standing in one of the doors was a young woman and Rocky with her Keyblade out.


An Adventure With Him (A Kingdom Hearts Fanfiction )Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin