Chapter Four

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   (Rocky's POV)

   All I saw was the figure above us with Sora's Keyblade in his hand. I winced at the pain on my side. Knowing the small potion Sora gave me wasn't enough. Sora looked at the guy as he tossed the blade back to Sora. "Next time, hold on to your blade." He started walking away til I found my voice. "Who are you?" I asked at his fading shadow.

   He stopped and turned around. "My name is Leon." He answered. He noticed I was holding my side gingerly and he looked at Sora. "Grab your girl and follow me. I have a healer where I stay that can help her." Leon said. Sora picked me up bridal style and followed Leon through the town.

   (Sora's POV)

   I don't honestly know why Rocky thinks we should trust Leon. I carried her bridal style as I followed Leon. The only reason why I'm doing this is because Leon said he has a healer that can help Rocky. We walked into a dark alley where tearrances were above us. He knocked on one door several times until a woman with red and orange hair opened it.

   "Oh Leon. Good to see you, but ummm who is with you?" The woman said. "Sora and his girl. The girl is injured, Aerith." Leon said. Aerith closed the door and opened it fully, letting us in.

   Aerith told me to set Rocky down in one of the empty rooms upstairs. I set her down and pulled up a chair next to the bed. I took Rocky's hand again as Aerith came inside. "Are you two dating?" Aerith asked me.

   I shook my head, "No, I wish though." I answered sadly. Aerith nodded and pointed at her, "Curaga." A green, calming ring around Rocky healed her wounded side and my cut cheek. I looked up at Aerith, "Thank you. For healing her." I said.

   Aerith smiled at me, "Come downstairs when she wakes." She said as she closed the door.


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