Chapter Twenty-Four

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   (Rocky's POV)

   As I got off the Gummi Ship with Sora, Donald, and Goofy. I noticed that Beast's Castle was depressing. Not alot of color and it looked like it rained prior to our arrival.

   I held Sora's hand as we walked to the gate. We noticed right off the bat that it was locked. Donald sighed, "Maybe we should go to another world." I shook my head stubbornly, "No. There must be some way inside." I looked at the padlock and then I summoned the Keyblade. "You think that will work, Rocky?" Sora asked me as he understood.

   I pointed the Keyblade at the padlock and the Keyblade sparked then shot a beam of light at the padlock. The lock actually unlocked and disappeared. Donald's mouth dropped and Goofy closed it.

   I desummoned my blade. I smirked and walked past the boys, "Shall we continue?"


(Sora's POV)

   I walked in after Rocky as Donald and Goofy were behind. Donald muttering something about showoffs and smartalics. I looked around at the courtyard. Everything was depressing inside the gates as on the outside.

   I intertwined Rocky's fingers with mine as we did a quick recon. I noticed that there was no way in. The tall, oak doors were bolted shut. I saw four statues and only one was in place.

   "Something about these statues... I wonder. Sora, help me push one into that circle." Rocky asked as I saw what she meant. I pushed with her as the statue clicked when it was in the circle.

   Donald and Goofy pushed one as Rocky and I pushed the last one. We heard something slide open as a concealed door opened at the front of the left tower. Being the daring one, Rocky smiled and went in first. 

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