College Championship

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Today is the College Championship agianst UCLA, It sucks having to vs Mal, but i gotta do what I gotta do. I won field Hockey college championship and won MVP and I got First team ACC for cross country, I got First team ACC for Soccer too, and College Womens Soccer MVP. Our team is in the locker room getting ready for the game today, my family is here to support me. When its time to come out the locker room we get ready and we head out onto the field.
In the 15th minute Mal scores a goal for UCLA, she makes eye contact with me amd I smile
In the 25th minute i get a cross pass and i score a goal
I'm the 33th minute i get a ball high in the air and I head it into the goal making the score 2-1.
At halftime Coach tells us to push them to get nervous.
In the 56th minute Mal gets a 40 yard goal, i shake my head score is 2-2
In the 75th minute i cross the ball to my Midfielder Annie Kingman and she scores making the score 3-2.
In the 78th minute UNC defender gives UCLA a penalty kick, Julia Hernandez takes the penalty kick and makes it score is 3-3
In the 89th minute i dribble and ball down the field i nutmeg a defender and i fake out the defender and i score right before the whistle blows. I go over to my team celebrating a 4-3 victory we get our shirts for winning the 2017 championship we get together for a picture with the trophy. I go up to the stands and i hug my family and take photos with them and ones separate with My sisters and brother. My team goes to the locker room and celebrate. We take so many photos and videos and we post them everywhere i take my jersey off and dance around in my sports bra and shorts being funny. After we celebrate we finally calm down and i head back to my dorm i get a shower and sit on my bed and post on Insta and Twitter I say "I would like to say i have declared for the 2018 NWSL Draft, Thank you Tar Heel Nation, ACC First team, MVP, #19 OUTTTT.
I see Mal has declared for the draft too, i see Brittany and Presley have declared too.

Getting Called up to the USWNT at 18Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin