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I wake up at 7AM i get dressed and i fix my hair and i open my email and I see my audition is in 1 hour. I call an uber and I wait when it arrives I go to the place the audition takes place. When I arrive I wait for Shonda to call my name when she does I go in and i read a script they give me and the audition is over. After the audition I go L.A Galaxys game that starts soon to see Zander my brother play, when I get there I get front seats so I can see him good. Before the game starts Zander sees me and he runs over and he jumps up and he hugs me "How are you here" he asks "Audition for a show" i say and he shakes his head and runs on to the field.
At half time the cam goes over to me and it shows on the Megatron and it says "Avery Bennett USWNT Player, Gold medalist" and i wave and continue to watch the game.
After the game i wait for Zander to get dressed and i see him leave the lockeroom and me and him go out to eat when we arrive we go Cook out and we order and we go to our table "So how are you" I ask "Pretty good" he says, we talk for a while and eventually he goes to his house and i go back to my hotel room. I look at the time 6PM I go into my contacts and i FaceTime Lindsey she answers and it looks like she is in a apartment
Me:Hey whats up
Lindsey:Just relaxing, how is L.A
Me:Good, Spent some time with Zander
Lindsey:Thats good
I hear a cough from someone in the background
Me:Who was that
Lindsey:it was nobody
Me:Was that Russell
Lindsey:You know me broke up
Me:I know i just like messing with you
I see someone come into the camera then quickly out of it
Me:Stop messing with me who is with you
Lindsey:i told you nobody
I notice that Lindsey doesn't have any clothes on from where the camera is
Me:Where is your clothes at
Lindsey:Just got out the shower
Me:Your hairs not wet
Lindsey:Mhh good point
I hang up
I FaceTime Jordyn
Me:Why does your background look the same as Lindseys
Me:What the fuck.
I hang up and i text Mal
Me:i think Lindsey and Jordyn have something together
Me:I FaceTimed Lindsey and she didn't have clothes on from the chest and I FaceTimed Jordyn and she had the same background
Me:I'll call them both
I hang up and i text the USWNT Groupchat
Me:You would never guess who are in the same place together
Me: Lindsey and Jordyn naked
Alex:Jordyn is 16
Megan:Ohh lord
I turn my phone off and i go to sleep.
I wake up at 11AM and i get an email and see i got the roll i text Mal and tell her i got the roll. I get dressed and i drive to the airport and i head back to NC.
When I land i drive back to my house, I go inside and Willow, and Ava run up to me and hug my legs I pick them up "Hi I missed you" i say, I go over to Mal "Down, Play" Willow says i smile and let them down and they go play, "Are you mad at Jordyn" i ask "No, just wish you didn't have to find out like that" she says "Me too" i say. I get a call from Shonda
Shonda:We would like to discuss your pay for this season
Me:Ohh okay
Shonda:Our Producers are thinking around around 3M for this season for your salary and 2M for a singing bonus, does that work out fine
Me:Yeah thats great, Can't wait to start on season 18
Shonda:Filming starts October 25th in L.A, You might want to spend time with your possible love interests, ohh and i know your Agent couldn't tell you full details about your character so here you go Aubrey Harris, 27, From Lexington Kentucky, Head of department, Went to college at Stanford top of her class, she used to be an athlete, Very Fit, and she is a flirt, we are bringing back the character Eliza Minnick as a sports medicine Attendting, and head of her department, her possible love interests are Eliza Minnick, and maybe more.
Me:Well thank you agian, see you at filming.

Getting Called up to the USWNT at 18Where stories live. Discover now