Cross over Pt 1

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Its cross over season its April 12th, the Twins are with me in Vancouver for there birthday in 3 days, they've already celebrated with Mal. We've got a couple more episodes done for Supergirl, today in filming im more on the Legends of Tomorrow side of things, my character has went back to the DEO to work. My character has meet Lena and saved her a couple times, and Lena and my character work together due to her company working with my characters dad company.. I get up get dressed send the twins to day care and I go to filming for Cross over season, we did table reads a couple days ago. When i get inside i get ready and i get ready to start filming
I hear the director "Action"
I wake up at 6AM to a call from Kara i answer it "Hello" i say "You're needed at the DEO" Kara says "Okay I'll be there Shortly, I get dressed and go to the DEO.
I see Sara Lance and the rest of the Legends "We need another hand to help us you in" Sara says "Umm yeah let's go" i say, i follow them back to the Waverider i step in and i look around "Alright this is Gideon, she is our AI" Ava says i just nod my head, "So what did you need my help with" i say "We think there is going to be more aberrations in History and we will need your help" Sara says "Okay" i say "I mean you seem Qualified, Several Military awards, Hand on hand Combat trained, black belt, you'll be fine" Ava says "Can someone give me a tour" i say  Sara shakes her head "Yes this way" she shows me the library, rooms, kitchen and the rest of the rooms. When she gets done showing me around she says "You can have Ray's Old room" "Okay thanks" i say we walk into the medbay and the team is waiting on us "Here sit down and see Gideons magic, in 5 seconds she gets tons of data" Nate says i smile and sit down "Analying" Gideon says "Riley Cohen, Former Marine, BioLogical father owned a Multi Million dollar company in National City, now owned by Adoptive Dad, Adopted by Peter and Anna Cohen" Gideon says "Wow thats cool I say" "Shh she's not done" "Born on Titan, Moon of Saturn, Mother was Titanian-Daxamite Father was Daxamite, they disappeared going back to Daxam to look for inhabitants" Gideon finishes "You have powers, Does Kara know" Sara says "I didn't even know, I didn't even know I wasn't human, I didn't know my parents died going back to Daxam" i say  "Gideon what powers do Titianians and Daxamites have" Sara says "Titianians powers include Telepathy, Psionic Blasts, Psychic Illusion, Mental Detection, Mental Translation,  Telekinesis, Reign, Force fields, Shock waves, Tactile telekinesis, Superhuman strength, and Daxamites Powers are  Solar energy absorption, Accelerated healing factor, Electrosynthesis, Contaminant immunity, Krypton immunity, Extended longevity, Superhuman Jumping/Leaping/Flying, Superhuman durability, Superhuman Speed, Superhuman strength" Gideon finishes "how did you not know" Sara says "I guess i didn't have someone to teach me how to use my powers, and I was young, but this does explain why I never got sick" i say "Well lets get you trying to use your powers" Sara says "Wait whats this braclet" sara says "I bet this is what my parents put one me before they disappeared to keep me from using my powers" I say i take it off and i look at Sara "Well it said you can move stuff  Pick up that Cup and bring it too me i focus and move the cup and bring it to Sara "Alright do something else i think to use my super speed i super speed  to New york and get a Cheesecake and run back "Wow" Sara says "We seem to have an Aberation in the timeline" Gideon says we all walk over to the bridge "2015 Star city" Gideon says "Alright gideon let a course for 2015 Star City.
"Alright Gideon says the Aberation is at Star City Military Base" Sara says we need disguises, Gideon makes us Marine Uniforms and we head out we get to the Base they let us in and Sara says "split up Ava, Riley with me we will try to find the Aberation you guys look around" we start looking for the Aberation we go into the Gun room and i stop "Sara thats me in 2015" I say "Look who you are with its Alexander Hamilton" Sara says. We take Hamilton and place him in his time period erase that memory, and everyone who was efected by it. We go back to the Waverider. "we will drop you back off in National City, if we need your help we'll get you" Sara says. She drops me back off in National city and I go into the DEO and i go over to Alex and Kara "So while I was with the Legends I Gideon their IA realized I have powers, it was this braclet that my parents told me never to take off that prevented me to use my powers but it made my powers stronger" I say "Wait what are you" Alex says "i Don't remember anything of my home planet but Gideon told me my mom was Titanian-Daxamite, she lived on titan most of her life and my dad is Daxamite, I was born on Titan and moved to Earth at 3 months and my parents got normal jobs until they wanted to go back to see if Daxam was inhabitable, and their Pods Never came back, they left me in the care of my Adoptive family, and they raised me, My dad left Daxam when it died becauseof Krypton exploding. My moms mom left Daxam when she was 15 to find a new life and married a Titianian and had mom and thats how she is mixed" i finish "So if you've been on earth for so long, that means your powers are very strong especially with that braclet that you took off, so what powers do you have" Kara asks "Titianians powers include Telepathy, Psionic Blasts, Psychic Illusion, Mental Detection, Mental Translation,  Telekinesis, Reign, Force fields, Shock waves, Tactile telekinesis, Superhuman strength, and Daxamites Powers are  Solar energy absorption, Accelerated healing factor, Electrosynthesis, Contaminant immunity, Krypton immunity, Extended longevity, Superhuman Jumping/Leaping/Flying, Superhuman durability, Superhuman Speed, Superhuman strength" I say "Since your Mom was Daxamite and Titianian and your dad was full Daxamite your powers from Daxam are strong, and your Titianian powers" Alex says "This is alot to take in" i say "Well me and you basically have the same powers" Kara says "Well im not efected by Krypton, and I've been on earth so long not knowing of my powers, Lead is like a bee sting to me" i say.
Over the next few days Kara helps me use and utilize my powers and help control them.
Me and Kara are in the DEO "you know what I just realized "Im like a Mon-El and Imra baby, except way more powerful" i say "Yeah, except you won't Flee earth when lead gets put in the air, and come back 6 months later and be married" Kara says "True" i say "So do you want to be a superhero or like something like that" Kara asks me "I like it the way it is, ill help you and Alex if you guys need help work at the DEO and help the Legends if they need help" i say "Yeah i understand" she says "So what about your fathers company i know your biological father left tons of money to you, and he left Shares of the company, and your adoptive dad is thinking abt giving you the company, would you want to do that" she asks me "Maybe, i think my biological dad knew he might not make it back to Earth that's why he gave the company to my Peter" i say "He left you on earth for a better life Riley, like my parents" Kara says "I know" i say "Well im gonna go talk to Lena abt business" i say I jump and take off, i fly to L-Corp and i walk into the doors "Hey Lena" I say "Hello GySgt Cohen good to see you" Lena says "Please call me Riley i left Active Duty a Couple years ago" i say "But you're in the Reserves" Lena says "Yes but to why I came" i say "Ohh okay" Lena says "I just learned today, its a lot to take in...i Don't remember anything of my home planet but Gideon told me my mom was Titanian-Daxamite, she lived on titan most of her life and my dad is Daxamite, I was born on Titan and moved to Earth at 3 months and my parents got normal jobs until they wanted to go back to see if Daxam was inhabitable, and their Pods Never came back, they left me in the care of my Adoptive family, and they raised me, My dad left Daxam when it died becauseof Krypton exploding. My moms mom left Daxam when she was younger to find a new life and married a Titianian and had mom and thats how she is mixed" i finish "So you have the same powers as Kara or Well Supergirl" Lena asks me "Yes, and more, i don't want to hide this from you, so I wanted to come down here and tell you" i say "I'm just Happy that you told the truth" Lena says "So my Biological dad left tons of money in a savings account, and left Shares, and 50% Ownership for his company, then gave it to Peter before he left for Daxam and he never came back, Peter wants me to take over the Company but I don't wanna take over the company, I Put aside the Shares and half ownership because i don't wanna run a company" i say "You could always let your dad run it, he'll be okay with it" Lena says i smile. "Do you miss James" i ask "Not really, he knew how to manage a company, but me and him weren't really a match" Lena says "So i was with the Legends today" i say "Legends?" "Ohh the time travelers who protect the Timeline" I say "Ohh okay, you could easily see your future if you wanted too" Lena says "It could damage the timeline to know your future" i say "So You have Telekinesis" Lena asks "Yeah, Why" i ask "Can you show me" She asks me "Yeah, Why not" i say I focus and make a Book levitate and the pages open and then i spin the book in mid air, then i bring the book to me and hand it Lena "And there you are" i say "Well thank you" Lena says i smile "So My parents went off to Daxam, and then they were gonna go back to Titan for a bit to see Family, what if they just never came back, because they liked it so much" i say "Don't think like that, trust me, If they aren't dead they have a good reason to be there" Lena says "Yeah you're right, its been a weird few days, im going to go home, I'll see you sometime soon" i say I hug Lena and i go home and go to sleep.

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