Twins 2nd birthday

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When I get home i see its 5PM, I pay the babysitter and I see Ava and Willow playing with dolls i sit down next to them "Happy birthday" i say "Thanks Momma" Ava says "Im 2" Willow says "I know, You're such a big girl" I say. I play with the Twins for a little bit and i hear a knock i go to the door and open it and its the girls i let them in "Hey Ava and Willow" Chyler says "Auntie Chyler" Ava says and runs over and hugs her and Willow does the same "Are you guys ready to blow out your candles" i ask "Yes, Yes, Yes" Ava says i get their cake and place the candles, we sing them happy birthday and they blow out their candles, They open thier gifts, and we all play with them, they soon go to their room and they go to sleep at 9PM. I sit on the couch next to Emily with all the girls on the couch "So Mal is your ex wife" Melissa asks "Yes" i say "And you started dating her your senior year of high school" She asks "Yes" i say "Wow, Are you back in the dating field, i mean i know Lucy but like seriously dating" Melissa asks "I have my eye on someone" i say and look at Emily out the corner of my eye "The Supergirl cast needs to come to some of your games" Melissa says "Yeah you guys should" i say "What do you guys wanna do tomorrow" Emily asks "Well Mal is gonna be here early for the Twins and they are flying back to NC tomorrow, so we could do whatever we want" i say "So You and Mal divorced mainly because she wanted more kids and you didn't" Chyler asked "Well that was the 1st problem, but during the argument I realized I wouldn't care to have another kid, but then she said she cheated and basically she didn't love me anymore" I say "And didn't you play a soccer game that day" Melissa asks "Yeah" i say "Wow, talk about focus" Chyler says "What time is it" I ask Katie "2AM" she responds "Well Im gonna go get something to drink you guys want something I have Wine, Champagne, Beer" i say they all say a glass of Wine i get up and go to get drinks "Hold on ill go with you" Emily says, she follows me into the kitchen she looks over and pulls me out of view from the girls she smiles and kisses me "So what chu doing" she asks "Well i was gonna make some drinks for the girls" i say "Okay" she says "Hey I was wondering if you would like to try a relationship" i say "Hmm... are you asking me to be your girlfriend" She asks "Yes I am" i say "Well then yes" she says "Lets keep in on the DL for a while" She says "Yeah i get it, The cast doesn't need to know, and definitely not the public and especially not just after Lucy" i say "Well i'll help you make these drinks" Emily says, we make the glasses of Wine and we bring them over to the girls "So what do you guys think about going on a yaht tomorrow and relaxing" i say "That sounds amazing" Chyler says "Wait how do you have a yaht, well I don't but I have a friend who sells yahts and boats and I can get a 75% off bc i hook that whole organization up with Nike apparel" i say "Well okay then tomorrow you can buy a yaht" Melissa says "You do know how to drive a yaht, right" Emily says "Of course i do" i say "Well its getting late im gonna head out" Melissa says, soon everyone follows Emily stays back "Goodnight babe" i say as she stands in the door way "Goodnight babe, ill see you soon" she says. I go to sleep for 4 hours.

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