Mal back in action

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Today Mal is coming back for her first game back, Me and Mals family is here and going to be at the game, and the Twins are 4 months old today.  Wedding planning is done and we are gonna send Wedding invitations today, we are playing Orlando today at home, Mal has been working non stop to get back in top shape, and now she is now.
When me and Mal get to the stadium we hold hands and we go into the locker room the team hugs Mal, we ge get ready and we have our pregame speech, and we go out before the whistle blows i go over to my Dad and i see Ava and Willow i kiss them and i go back to the field i look over at Mal and we do our handshake.
In the 15th minute Mal has the ball running towards the box i look up and i see her get a cross pass to me the ball connects to my head it goes to the back of the net. I smile and i run to Midfield and I do a Front flip and i hug Mal and my team do a team hug.
At halftime the score is 1-0.
In the 78th minute it is a corner kick and I get to do the corner kick i throw it to the middle of the box and Mal heads it into the net.
At the whistle in the 90th minute we won 2-0, i hug Mal and i kiss her, me and Mal go over to the stands and i pick up Ava and Willow and we bring them on the field and Sydney Leroux comes over to us "I just wanna say you killed it, and I believe you can still do great things after children, several people thought i would play differently after kids and Don't let haters get to you" She says "Thank you" Mal says we hug Syd and she asks to hold Ava we let her and she gives her back shortly i go over with the team, im holding Ava and Mal is holding Willow we go to the locker room and we do after game chat and after that the team takes turns holding Ava and Willow for a while and when they get done we do postgame stuff and we go back home. I get a shower and Mal gets a shower i feed the twins and put them to bed, me and Mal sit on the couch "Okay we need to tell the team about wedding details" Mal says "On it" i say. I go onto our group chat
Me:I just want to say me and Mal would all like you guys to be at our Wedding we have it all planned its December 16 in Orlando, its an outdoor venue, i was wondering if Kelley would be my best man and  Tobin, Pinoe, Emily would wanna be my Groomsmen and Lindsey would be Mals Maid of Honor and  Morgan, Alex, Christen, Abby would be Mals Bridesmaids?
Mal:It would mean alot, its fine if you can't make it.
Emily:I would love, I'm pretty sure nobody would miss the babies of the teams wedding
Lindsey:I wouldn't miss it
Kelley:I would love to.

We all got responses like that for the wedding, so the whole team is gonna be there and a couple in the wedding, Me and Mal watch tv for a while and we go to sleep

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