getting to know the cast

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We won the SheBelives cup agian, im in Vancouver for filming Supergirl, we start filming tomorrow, Me and Lucy started dating the 12th. I have an apartment in Vancouver close to all tje cast members. Today im going out for the day with the cast. I wake up at 9AM, i workout, i take a shower, and i get dressed i put on this.

I brush my teeth and I look at my hair and make sure the braides are still in and they are, I finish getting ready and i get into my BMW I8, and I drive to meet up with the cast

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I brush my teeth and I look at my hair and make sure the braides are still in and they are, I finish getting ready and i get into my BMW I8, and I drive to meet up with the cast.  When I get there i see Katie McGrath and Nicole Maines, I walk over to them and i hug them "How are you" Nicole asks me "Im good" i say I sit down at the restaurant "so I saw that punch you took on the Soccer field" Katie says "Yeah it was no big deal" I say "I think you'll be one of the few cast members that can do your own stunts" Nicole says i smile "Well my background helps" i say "So are you going to New york Comic-Con next month" Katie asks me "Yeah everyone esle gets announced and them they will announce me as a new cast member" i say, i see Chyler Leigh and Melissa Benoist walk over and sit down, "How are you guys" I ask "Good" Chyler and Melissa say at the same time "How you live that Canada weather" Chyler asks me "Well i I've lived here for a couple years as a child, I have triple Citizenship" i say "Ohh yeah I forgot" Chyler says "So were are your kids" Melissa asks "The twins are with their other mother in North Carolina, and Jordyn is in Utah for NWSL" i say "How old are Ava and Willow" Katie asks "Almost 2, they turn 2 on April 15th" i say "Wow my kids are 18, 15, 13" Chyler says i smile "I gotta know something since im appart of the cast, Why hasn't Lena and Kara got together" i say we all laugh "i think the producers are kind of Queer-bating" Nicole says "I mean you can tell they have so much tension within those 2 characters" Chyler says "This is a new season, Lena and Kara have healed their relationship so it might work out" Katie says "I've read your character details and it sounds so cool" Nicole says "I mean Ex military, Badass, Hand on Hand Combat trained, Went to college while in the Marines, Used to work at the DEO, goes to Catco for reporting, then eventually goes back to the DEO because Alex needs help" Katie says "Mind i remind you, she pretty much is Lena Luthors Body guard, and she fights better then Alex and that says something" I say. We talk for a long time and i head back to my apartment, I do nothing for the rest of the day.

I wake up 6AM i get dressed and i head to the production, when i get there i chill around and the producers talk to me for a bit, after that we do hair and makeup and soon we start filming
(you can skip the filming part, when you see this the filming is over, my character is Aubrey Harris)
I walk into Catco media, with my stuff and sit it on my desk, I go into Andreas office "Hi im the transfer from Star City Media" i say "Ive heard great things, only a couple months being a reporter and so many good stories, and thank you for your service" Andrea says "Well thank you, and your welcome" i say "You should go talk to Kara Danvers our best reporter here" Andrea says "Okay i will" i walk off.
"CUT" the director says "That was good, next scene add some flirtatious vibes" "And action" i walk over to Karas desk "Hey im Aubrey Harris, the transfer from Star City Media" i say "hi im Kara a reporter for Catco" kara says we shake hands "Your the reporter who did a piece on the Green Arrow before his death, and one on Supergirl" Kara says "Umm yeah that was me "I did the piece on green Arrow before I was a reporter, I was in the military when I did, but i knew I was leaving the Marines to be a reporter so I just did a piece then" i say "Wow you'll fit right in" Kara says "Wait what did you do before reporting cause there was a gap between Military and Reporting" Kara asks "Umm it's government related" i say and i get nervous "Wait" Kara says she takes my arm and pulls me somewhere private "Wait" I say "You look familiar" Kara says "You too "Ohh my your Supergirl" i say "Shh okay" Kara says "You worked at the DEO didn't you" Kara says "Yes i did" i say "So you remember Lex Luthor coming back from the dead and him escaping prison" Kara asks "Umm yeah, and the Multi-Verse breaking i say "probably because I worked at the DEO" I say "Why did you stop working at DEO" Kara asks "When Lex Luthor started to Own it i left, and just didn't work for a while and helped my dad run his company" i say "Well let's go to the DEO and let's talk to Alex  Danvers Director of DEO, she could use your help"  Kara says "Alright lets go Kara picks me up and flys me to the DEO, we walk in and there's Alex "Umm hi, i used to work here" i say "I remember, you were the best one" Alex says "Well you know how we have some Alien problems we could use her help" Kara says "Alright yes we could " Alex says.
I help her on a mission and we come back to the DEO, and i bond with Alex and Kara.
(Done filming for the day)

I finish up the last scene of the day and I sit down next to Katie "So are you gonna be on the Cross-Over" she asks me "Umm yeah i'll be in the cross over with Legends of Tomorrow" i say.

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