Olympics 2021

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Today is the Final in the Olympics and the team had cruised threw the matches either winning from 3-5 Goals each game. But today's game is vs Canada, there has been lots of news if im gonna get boo'ed every time I touch the ball, and if my sisters will get hate since they play on Canadas national team, there is so much news on our team and its stressing the team out.

When me and Mal get up we get dressed and we head to breakfast and we see Lindsey and Jordyn heading from their room down to breakfast. I get my food and i sit down and soon after Vlatko comes in and starts talking "We have a pregame meeting and Film After Breakfast so let's try to hurry up" he leaves and after we all head to Film room, when we go in i sit in the front next to Sonnett and Lindsey, we all start talking until Vlatko comes in and starts the meeting "Alright this is a big game, this determines Gold or Silver, Canada has a strong team, with the Tremblay Twins thats a strong team, Paisley Tremblay is a great goalie, and Brittany Tremblay is one hell of a Midfielder, the goalie is very quick, so we will have to have better shots" i look up at Vlatko "Paisley tends to go right over left 9 out of 10 times since she was 10, and Brittany usually goes to her right also if she fakes left, so don't let her fake you out defenders" i say and i slouch in my seat "Very well, thank you Avery" Vlatko says, i see all the girls get their phones out, i don't think anything of it "Hey Avery come up here" Vlatko says i come up and stand beside him "There has been a change in our gameplan, the captain for this game is gonna be Avery" i look around Shocked "Are you being serious" i ask i look up at my teammates and i hug them and I go over to Mal who is watching me and I kiss her. When we ger done with pregame meeting I go up to my room and i get ready to head to the stadium, i text Paisley and Brittany and say "What ever happens out there, I want you to play your hardest" i send it and i shut my phone off, I head down to the lobby and i go to the bus and sit down in the front of the bus and i put my Airpods in.
After 10 minutes I feel someone sit beside me i look over and its Lindsey "Are you nervous" She asks me "Nope, i just want to be left alone" i say "Umm sorry" she says "Im sorry, im being a bitch, yes im nervous" i say Lindsey smiles and goes back to her seat.
When we arrive at the Stadium i sign a couple things for the fans and i go to the locker room i go to put my hair up and i say "Ohh By the way when we get done I'm getting a haircut, I'm done with long hair" and I throw my brush down and go to my locker "You should" Pinoe says. When we all get finished we go warmup and i go over to Aly Wagner and she wants to do a interview so i agree and i sit down
Aly:Both of your sisters are on Canadas team, does this affect your performance
Me:Me, Paisley, Paisley played in the backyard as soon as they were 5 so I know all their moves, sure they might know mine, but I was drafted 1
Aly:Thats very true, You've had a very strong performance this tournament with 9 goals and 4 assists, with you scoring 4 goals in one game, will we see a better performance from you today?
Me:Definitely Aly.
Aly:The Topic of this whole tournament and pre Olympics, was your choice to adopt a teenager, whats it like?
Me:Its hard, but it's amazing.
Aly:Well thank you that will be all, good luck.
Me:Thank you Aly.

I go back to the field and finish warmups and after warmups we go back to the lockeroom.
When we are tunnel I look behind me and see Mal i smile and i start walking out. We do the Athems, when i go to do the coin toss i see Jessie Fleming I shake her hand and i pick Heads and it lands on heads.
When the game starts i hug Mal and i look at Jordyn sitting with the coach because Vlatko said it was okay.

In the 5th minute i score a goal, i look at  Paisley and i smile and she looks at me in disgust.
In the 8th minute Lindsey Horan scores, assisted by me.
In the 9th minute Jessie Fleming of Canada scores.
In the 15th minute Brittany takes a shot and Alyssa catches it.
In the 26th minute i score.
In the 35th minute i score again for the 3rd time.
In the 46th minute i score agian.
In the 52nd minute i score.
In the 68th minute i score agian for 6th time.
In the 81th minute Mal scores assisted by me.
In the 82th minute i get a header coming toward me and  Desiree Scott Canadas player and i both jump up at the same time, i jump higher but i still manage to hit heads really hard and i come down and i black out and i open my eyes and my team is crowding me i see their mouths move but my ears are ringing, i Feel my Ankle throbing I lay on the ground and i see my trainer already beside me, i clutch my ankle, ny trainer  is trying to talk to be but I just don't understand, im so confused, he helps me up i give the Captains Armband to Lindsey, The Trainer Carries me off the field and he takes me to the lockeroom he checks me for very serious brain injuries, he checks me for a concussion and he says I have a severe Concussion, and he gives me sunglasses so I can go out in the sun "You have a severe Concussion, and im gonna check your ankle" he goes and takes my cleat off and she looks and checks my ankle "You have a Grade 3 ankle sprain, thats why you weren't able to walk, your ligament is completely tore, for right now, we should Splint it and wrap it and crutches for 4 days then just wrap it and then you might need a Cast" He says he Splints my Ankle and wraps it and gives me a cast "You need to ice it, with your head also, After L.A for your celebration, and the ESPYS thats when you might need a cast" he says "Can i go back out and sit on the bench, and receive medals" i ask "Yeah i'll help you put your sunglasses on" i put my sunglasses on and i walk out and see we only have 2 minutes left and i sit down next to Ash "So whats wrong with you" she asks "Severe Concussion, Grade 3 Ankle sprain, can't put any weight on my ankle for at least 3 weeks, and my Soccer season is basically over" i say "Hey its gonna be okay" she says "yeah" I say.
At the 92nd minute the team runs off the benches and i slowly get up and i walk over onto the field and i say "We Won Gold" and the team hugs me "You scored 6 goals and 2 assists you broke a record for most goals scored" Alex says and i smile and hug my team, We celebrate for a while on the field and we recive our medals and Aly Wagner pulls me for another interview
Aly:I asked if we would see a better performance then the 4 goal game, and we definitely did with this 6 goal and 2 assist game; with a total of 15 goals and 6 assits in total for this Olympics
Me:I didn't really try to score that much, but I won't be on a field anytime soon.
Aly:So do you have a broken Ankle
Me:No, Grade 3 ankle sprain, and a severe Concussion
Aly:Im sorry but you'll be back before you know it.
Me:Thank you
Aly:There has never been a team to win a World cup then a Olympics from 1 to another except for this team this time, how do you push through fatigue.
Me:Honestly the only thing helping me is coffee, ice baths and looking in to tje future.
Aly:Thank you and congratulations

I walk away and i get pulled in to a bunch more interviews and the basic questions "Your injuries" "Record Broken" "Are you happy", i go to the lockeroom and the team is already celebrating and as i hobble in with crutches they spray champagne on me.
"Aye watch it, don't get Champagne on my Splint and Ankle Wrap" i say laughing, I go over to Mal who smiles as i walk over and i kiss her "Look at Lindsey and Jordyn, i think Jordyn made a friend" Mal says "Yeah thats good" i say. The team celebrates in the Lockeroom for a while, and eventually we go to the hotel and we get dressed and we head to a local Club to celebrate with friends and family, when we get to the club I look around and i just stand there "if you don't feel good you can go home" Ash says, i look at her and say "my Ankle hurts, and the music hurts ny head, im gonna celebrate for 2ish hours and im leaving" i say i hobble over to the team and the girls get a class of Champagne, i say no because of my Concussion, Everyone has their phones out videoing it and posting it on thier stories, Alex helps me get up on the bat and i spray champagne and I say "You guys are lucky I love you, im here with a Severe Concussion and a Grade 3 Ankle Sprain" the girls look at me "you have a right to celebrate you scored 15 goals this Olympics" Ali says, i sit at the bar and continue to listen to music and i order a Club Soda and and i talk with my team for a while.
At 4AM we finally get finished partying and we have a flight to catch at 6AM so we just go to the hotel get our things and get on a plane back to the US, when i get in Private Jet i sit down and i look at the schedule for the next couple days
We have to go to L.A for the ESPYS the day we get back to the USA and we are gonna be on GMA the day before the ESPYS  when we land in the USA, and we have more interviews. Soon after we start flying i fall asleep.
I wake up at 5PM and see we only have 6 hours left on the flight, i look around and see Jordyn is sitting with Lindsey and they are asleep, Mal is asleep, everyone is asleep except for Sonnett, i sigh and i listen to music for a while.
When we land at 11PM we see so many people cheering and taking photos, we get off the plane and we take a couple photos, and we get our luggage and we head to the hotel, when we get to the hotel i get a shower and i sit next to Mal "I slept for most the flight, but im so jetlaged, Australias time messed me up" i say as i kiss Mal "Yeah, me too" she says "its hard to take a shower with a splint on a ankle" i say jokingly "Mhh, i bet it is" Mal says and kisses my forehead. I crawl into bed and i go to sleep.

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