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Its been a couple weeks since we asked the girls to be in the wedding its September now and today the girls have free time so we are all in Orlando going shopping for the wedding, we Shop for a while and when we get finished we go shopping for a while and  eventually we are finally are done and we have everything we need for the wedding, me and Mal go to our hotel i sit down and Mal sits on my lap "Hey, I was wondering if I can take your last name" Mal says almost in a whisper" i smile "Of course you can babe" i say and kiss her forehead "What about on the field that's gonna be confusing with 2 Bennetts" i ask "Im keeping Pugh on the back of jerseys but I'm gonna get Pugh as my middle name like Alex did" Mal says sitting on my lap "Ohh okay" i kiss her head i get a call on my phone I answer it
?:Hello is this Avery Bennett
Me:Umm yes it is, Who is this
Ante Juric:This is Sydney Fcs Head Coach Ante Juric, i was wondering if you would like to play a season over in the W-League for Sydney FC, There is a max Contract involved, Free Apartment, Anything you need.
Me:I would like to take a couple hours to think about it, is that possible
Ante:Yes take some time, just call back when you have your design.

I hang up and i look at Mal "So I just got offered to play in Sydney for a season in the W-League, Max Contract, Free Apartment, Any Acomadations" i say softly and calmly to Mal. "Well are you gonna take the offer" She asks "I don't know" i say holding Mals hand "Babe, You should take it, Me, You, Ava, and Willow can live in Sydney for a while" Mal says "Are you sure" i ask and she shakes her head i call back Ante and tell him i accept and he sends me info about the season and training and stuff like that "When do you have to leave" Mal asks me "Late October" i say Mal just shakes her head and wraps her hands around my waist "On the bright side in 3 months we get married" i say and Mal smiles

Getting Called up to the USWNT at 18Where stories live. Discover now