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Sam Anemone had always been an odd girl, she had a few friends, was very introverted and had always her blonde hair loose. Her father died early, no one knew how, but luckily she still had her mother. Her mother suffered from depression since her father's death, forcing Sam to take care of her.

On a sunny Saturday morning I went to empty the mailbox, when I saw a letter in front of me, I paused. A letter? for me? I hardly ever got any mail. I opened it quickly and read that I was admitted to Hogwarts, the famous Hogwarts? Me? I know I am a smart witch, but being able to attend the best school for Witchcraft and Wizardry was a real honor. I couldn't wait to start the adventure!

A month later.

I went to buy my books and other things in Diagon Alley, I just bought my owl and all the books when I bumped into someone. It was a tall, surly man with long greasy black hair. Sorry I said, I didn't mean to... the man looked at me and walked on quickly. What a mean man I thought to myself, but today no one could ruin my good mood! I walked on to do the rest of the shopping.

Another month later.

It was time for the sorting ceremony, I was so nervous. When I walked towards the chair, I saw the man I bumped into at Diagon Alley. I hope he isn't one of my teachers this year... what I didn't know was that he would teach me from the first to the last year and that he wasn't all bad.
The sorting hat knew right away where I belonged, Hufflepuf.
after I was sorted into Hufflepuf, the feast began, tables were filled with lots of dishes.

The years that came were hard, I was bullied by a couple Slytherins and had barely friends. I was a pretty good student until everything changed when my mom died in my fifth year at Hogwarts. I didn't want to go to my aunt, she is very mean. Dumbledore knew and he let me stay all year at Hogwarts, when I had vacation I could go to Hagrids and I help him with the nifflers.

The other Hufflepufs were kind but I felt lonely. There was one Hufflepuf I could call my friend, Alice Smith. She was a loner too, so we've decided to be friends. One of the first questions Alice asked me was why I had such a strange last name, I told her that it meant something, daughter of the wind. She told me that it still was a strange last name and we've laughed.

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