Chapter 8: The recovery

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Severus had been waiting for a sign of life for hours when he fell asleep in the chair next to my bed.

I said in a hoarse voice Severus? My head hurts so much, I tried to figure out what happened and I panicked, everything came back Vince, the spell. I sat up and yelled Severus help me!
Severus awakened immediately, sshht love it's over, you are safe now.
I began to cry. Severus I... Sectumsempra... the spell, how did you know?
We'll talk about this later, you are safe now. Rest a while, I won't leave your side.
Okay Sev. I closed my eyes and slept for a couple hours.

Sam? Wake up, Madame Pomfrey wants to talk to you.
I woke up and said hello.
Hello Sam, I am Madame Pomfrey, how are you feeling?
I am very dizzy and sleepy.
You lost a lot of blood, if Severus was later you wouldn't speak to me right now. You have to rest for a couple days and then you're as good as new!
ohh... do I have to stay here?
No you can go to the bedroom of Severus.
Okay thanks.

I stood up and Severus kissed me.
I tried to walk myself, but I couldn't, Severus picked me up and carried me to his bedroom.

So you saved me? What a hero, I smiled.
When I was younger I invented the spell he used, luckily I made a counter spell, Vulnera Sanentur. I really thought I lost you ...
You won't lose me that quickly, but I would like to learn some spells so that I can protect myself in case of danger like when he comes back.
Of course honey, but now you have to rest, tomorrow I have to teach again, but I will put a bed in my office so you can always call if there is anything.
Thank you Severus. I love you.
I love you too Sam. We went to sleep

I found something new that I hate... resting. I want to take classes, learn new things, but I have to rest all day long.
I did try to walk around the castle, but every time I got caught by Severus.
I have to rest for 1 more day and then I can finally get out of bed again, I long for the outdoors and the people around me, but I am also afraid, the room is such a safe place, I no longer dare to leave the castle. I have to work on that.
Alice visits me everyday and helps me with schoolwork, she is so sweet!

The schoolday was over and Severus sat next to me on our bed.
How are you feeling love?
I feel bored and I want to learn. I don't feel dizzy anymore.
I know love, tomorrow is your last day resting.
I hope that it is soon the day after tomorrow.
We laughed.
Are you feeling hungry Sam?
Yes, I am starving.
Alright, I'll bring you a plate of food.
Thank you, do you want to eat with me? Please?
Yes love, I'll tell Albus I eat with you today.
Thank you, what would I be without you Sev.

Severus went away to get some food for us. It was lonely to eat alone and be alone throughout the day, Sev tried to keep me company as much as possible.
Severus said today potatoes with chicken legs are on the menu and for dessert there is pudding.
Hmm thanks Severus. Enjoy your meal.
Thanks Sam, so I was wondering... now your dizziness is over...
We could make love? I finished his sentence. Of course we can.
I put my plate down and pulled Severus onto the bed.
I opened his buttons and looked at his naked chest, hmm I missed that and took off my clothes.
After we made love I said well.. the food is cold now.
We laughed and cuddled.
Maybe we can ask a house elve to warm it? I said
Yes I will send my Patronus to ask them to warm two meals. Expecto Patronum, go to the kitchen and ask for two warm meals. The Patronus left the room and went to te kitchen.

Fifteen minutes later a house elve knocked on the door with two warm meals.
Patronuses are very easy if you are too lazy to get up, Severus said.
We ate and went to bed.

I thought one more day of resting and fell asleep.

Severus Snape

I waited so long for her to wake up, that I had fallen asleep next to her bed, when she yelled Severus help me. She was awake! I comforted her and let her sleep a bit more, it is very important that she rests enough.

Wake up Sam, Madame Pomfrey wants to speak to you, she woke up and her eyes were as mesmerizing as always. They talked a while until she tried to walk herself, she almost fell. Poor Sam, she was so weak.
I carried her to our bedroom and laid her on the bed.

We talked a bit and then we went to sleep, she had a couple nightmares so I did a spell that she wouldn't think about it for a few hours. She was so scared, I feel sorry for her.

I taught and she was in bed, sometimes I ran into her in the hallway and then I immediately sent her back to bed. I understand that she is tired of resting, but walking in the castle would not make her better any faster.

The schoolday was over and I asked her how she felt, she said she was not dizzy anymore, I am glad she isn't. It means she is getting better.
We talked a bit and I went to get food for us. I ran into Alice in the hall and I nodded, she walked on quickly. Today's youth has no respect, I see it so often in my classroom, no respect for anything or anyone.

I feel like having sex, maybe she would feel good enough to do it again. I decided to just ask her.

So I said I was wondering... now your dizziness is over... I hoped she wouldn't say that it was too soon.
We could make love? Of course we can. Yes! finally, I had been waiting for this moment for days.
We made love and afterwards she said that the food was cold.
We laughed.
She said that we could ask a house elve to warm it, but I didn't want to leave the bed so I proposed to send my Patronus. I sended my doe and fifteen minutes later a house elve knocked on the door.
Patronuses are very easy if you are too lazy to get up. I said.

We ate and went to bed. God, I love her so much.

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