Chapter 17: Malfoy Mannor

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We woke up to the chirping of the birds. I took Severus more firmly and dreamed a little further.
After a while we decided to get out of bed, we changed clothes and I went over the plan one more time with Severus, Severus put the bottle of Forgetfulness potion in his pocket and we walked to the Great Hall.
I was not very hungry, I just want this day and the worries to be over. I took a few pancakes, bacon and a glass of orange juice. Breakfast is finally done and we go to Albus's office, where we would meet Galton.

Hi Galton, how are you? I said.
Hello Sam and Severus. I'm fine. Frank is in this suitcase.
Wow, magic is so special.
Indeed Galton said. Let's talk about the plan.
Come to the Great Hall, we can talk there, said Severus.
We walk to the Great Hall and when we are there we sit at the long teacher table.

I took the plan and we talked about it for hours.

So if I understand correctly you want Frank to fly over the Malfoy Mannor and cause a local downpour with the Forgetfulness potion in there so they forget something?
Correct! Will that work?
Of course Galton said. I start immediately.
Okay, then we will start teaching again. Thanks Galton, we owe you something.
Doesn't matter, I'm happy to help.

I greeted Severus and Galton and went to my classroom.

The day passed slowly. I will be happy when I receive the owl with the message that it succeeded from Galton.

Galton Scamander

The day had arrived, Frank and I were going to go to Hogwarts to help Sam and Severus, who seemed sweet wizards.

Frank we have to go, I apparated to Hogwarts and went to Professor Dumbledore's office.

I walked with them to a large hall and we discussed the plan. I went to school on Ilvermorny so I never knew Hogwarts.

I was allowed to use the guest room to talk to Frank undisturbed.

Frank, you are going to cause a local rain shower above a house, make sure everyone gets wet, you will have to mix this bottle with the rain. Understood?
That's an "understood" I think. I laughed.

We left for the Malfoy Mannor and I let Frank fly above it, it was raining and nobody knew where he or she was and how they knew each other. It worked!
I let Frank crawl back into the suitcase and took him home.

I wrote a note.

Dear Sam and Severus Snape,
I want to say that it worked, no one knew where he or she was and how they knew each other.
It was nice to get to know you.
Galton Scamander

I sent the note with my owl, another adventure that has come to an end!

Severus Snape

I woke up, I had not slept much.

I'm tired, do we really have to get out of bed?
Yes Severus, we have to go to the Great Hall.
I turned around again and grabbed Sam. Today is the day, all or nothing, living or dying. I thought how to entrust a stranger with a bird to my life, future, ...

We showered together and went to the Great Hall.
We are both not hungry. After breakfast we go to the Albus office, there Galton is waiting.
He's here and we walk back to the Great Hall, we explain the plan and then Galton leaves, I feel more and more nervous.

I went to my classroom and taught the Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs. Ravenclaw often answers without raising their hands ... exhausting.

I decided to go to the lake in the afternoon, I used to go there to hide from the Marauders, they made me so bitter and cold hearted. I am glad that I am no longer alone and that I have someone who melts my cold heart and makes life just a bit more bearable.
If everything goes well, I will propose to Sam. We are a strong couple.
I looked at my clock and saw that I had to hurry to my classroom, the Gryffindors and Slytherins could arrive in the classroom at any time.
I am just in time and when class is over I go to Sam.

The lesson was a disaster. A fight broke out between a couple of Slytherins and Gryffindors.
I walked to our room when an owl followed me with a letter in his beak. I took hold of the owl and took the letter out of its beak. I want to wait until Sam arrives. I'm so afraid it didn't work out.
Sam read a book in the couch when I entered.

Hi Sam, how was your day?
Good, and yours Sev?
Okay, there was an argument in class, but I would have expected that if Slytherin had lessons with the insufferable Gryffindor.
Severus, that's mean! What do you have in your hand?
I looked at the letter and sighed again. It is Galton's letter.
And? What's in it?
I haven't opened it yet, I didn't dare. This letter contains my future ...
Sit down next to me and we'll open it together.
I sit down next to Sam on the couch and we open the letter.

Dear Sam and Severus Snape,
I want to say that it worked, no one knew where he or she was and how they knew each other.
It was nice to get to know you.
Galton Scamander

We hug each other and Sam cried a little. I feel so relieved and happy.

Another worry less! Sam said.
Indeed, I am so grateful to you, you saved my life!
I owed you one. We laughed.
We can overcome anything I said.

I took her into my arms and asked her if she wanted to go on a date tomorrow, of course she said yes.
Little did she know that tomorrow I would ask her to marry me, I hope she will say yes.

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