Chapter 21: The wedding

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The days flew by and when I wake up tomorrow, I'll be a married woman.
I thought about everything we have experienced together, how our relationship started and what the future may look like.
I am way too nervous to go back to sleep so I decided to get ready already. I ate, but it isn't much and then Alice did my make-up. It's almost time. Every now and then I go to see if the Great Hall is nicely decorated and in the meantime I have vomited 3 times again. I hope it will be better soon.
The Great Hall filled with guests, especially colleagues because we both have no family anymore.
The moment has arrived ... I walked into the Great Hall and it looked like we were in an open field, there were benches and lots of flowers. When I got to the altar Alice released me and sat down. Albus and Severus were waiting for me. Albus smiled and I saw that Severus wanted to keep his face straight and emotionless, but his eyes betrayed him. I saw a small tear forming in his eye and I quickly wiped it off.

Today we gathered here to celebrate Sam and Severus' commitment, Albus said.
It went on like this until we got to the vows.

Severus, I love you so much, we've been through so much together.
I know that I am not the easiest and that there have been times when we no longer knew what to do. I promise you to be your wife forever.
You have saved my life more than once and I am very grateful for that. Soon you will be my husband and our family will be complete, I looked at my stomach and Severus' face twisted.
I smiled and slid his ring over his finger.
Whoa, are you serious Sam? Are you pregnant? Asked Severus.
Yes Sev. I just found out, I had to throw up many times and i just felt it. I went to Madame Pomfrey and she said that I'm indeed pregnant.
I'm going to be a father! He yelled.
All the guests started to cheer and Albus congratulated us.
Alright, let's finish the ceremony. Severus you may say your vows said Albus.
You surprised me very much, said Severus, I love you too and I promise I will never let you down and always put you and our baby first, I am grateful that I found you and that you chose me.
He slid the ring over my finger and already wanted to kiss me.
Not yet Severus I said laughing.
And now Severus now you can kiss the bride.

We kissed and everyone cheered.

The feast started and we danced all night long. Everyone started to leave because the exams are coming and they had to make them.
Severus and I were the only two left.

So now it is professor Snape instead of Anemone said Severus.
Yes! Sam Snape, it sounds good.
And a little baby of us?
Yes, I know we didn't talk a lot about it, I didn't know it would happen so fast, but I think I'm ready for a kid, are you ready?
I think so, I hope I won't be like my dad.
Of course you won't be anything like him! You are a great husband and you'll be an even better father.
Alright, let's go to sleep Sam. We have to make our exams tomorrow.
Alright I said.

We went to our room and we weren't in the mood to sleep yet.
Severus undressed me and I undressed him. He really knows how to treat a girl. When he went down he did things I've never felt. I sat on him and we made love until we came together, we fell asleep right after.

Severus Snape

I am so nervous for our wedding, today Sam will be my wife.
I decided that I would wear a white shirt for once. For this one time I would lower my guard and show a bit of myself. 

Sam walked towards me and I felt the tears coming up. I must not cry, I must not cry, I kept repeating for myself but failed. She is so beautiful. She wore a long, white and lacy dress that fitted her perfectly.
She wiped a tear from my face, and all I could think was how she would look underneath and how badly I want to kiss her.

The ceremony was beautiful and the feast after the ceremony was amazing, we danced and opened some gifts. I got some rare ingrdients for potions and we got loads of things for our baby. I was so shocked when she said that she's pregnant. I thought she was joking.

After a while we went to our room and made love. I put some silencing charms over the room. Tonight nothing would be too much.

We slept until lunch and made our exams, not so romantic for most people but we live for being a teacher.
Exams start on Monday and we hadn't even written them up yet. Potions and Charms are mainly practical subjects, but of course there is also the history and the effects that the students have to learn about.

After a long day of working we read some books and talked about where we could place the nursery. Sam wants it to be in our bedroom but I want it in another room, I want some privacy. Apparently Sam has been pregnant for a month without us noticing, luckily she doesn't smoke or drink.

Yes love.
Do you want to go on a honeymoon?
I don't know, I'm pregnant and to travel with floo powder or so, I think it will hurt the baby.
Yeah, we can ask madame Pomfrey for advice but if you don't want it, we can wait, we have a life time together.
Indeed, I love you Severus Snape.
I love you much more Sam Snape.

We fell asleep cuddling on the couch.

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