Chapter 10: The letter

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Months passed and it was the end of the schoolyear, professor Dumbledore was about to say something.

I was laughing with Alice, she told me a fun story about William, her new boyfriend, this time he isn't a Slytherin, he is a Gryffindor.
I am 18 years old, that means that I can be seen in the muggleworld with Severus holding hands, kissing and all that stuff.

Dear students said professor Dumbledore this year was a special year for some of us. Some of us have found love, some of us found themselves. It is so nice to be your headmaster!
I hope you all get a wonderful vacation and enjoy your meal.
The tables filled with treats and we applaud for professor Dumbledore.

I am going to miss you Alice, I won't be a student next year.
Why not? Shit... I forgot to tell her.
I will do summer school and I hope I'll be the professor of Charms next year...
WOW, why didn't you tell me? That is great news!
I forgot... my grades are good enough to do my seventh year faster.
I'm happy for you, you deserve it.
Thanks Alice.
I have to go, I am going to William's place this summer, see you next year professor.
I laughed, bye Alice.

All student went to the Hogwarts Express. Next year, I would greet them in the Great Hall.

Summer school started and professor Snape and McGonagall tried to teach me everything in two months.

It was time for my exam, I was so stressed.

Professor McGonagall graded my exam because she thought that Severus wouldn't be objective. I guess she is right, Severus was almost as stressed as I was.
The result would come with an owl after three days.
The days passed and I was as stressed as you could be. It was nice to be away from the castle, I was for the first time in the house of Severus, it was small, he uses one floor. There was a bed for one person, a couch, a little table, kitchen and bathroom.

Why do you use one floor Sev?
This is the house I grew up in... you know my father was not a nice man. My mother couldn't change his mind and to be honest, I think she was scared of him, but so was I. He didn't like me, so he made one floor for me, I couldn't ask for anything, I had to take care of myself because I actually lived by myself. I am used to this so I didn't want to change anything.
Ohh, Severus, that is so sad. I hugged him.
I almost spend all my free time at Hogwarts so I didn't mind. I think it is time for change.
Are you ready Sev? You don't have to do it for me.
No, It is time to change the house a bit. My parents are dead after all and this house is mine so I have to make it mine.

We went outside, we could get hurt by all the furniture flying in the room. He did a couple spells and the house changed. The house has two floors. On the first floor is the kitchen with a beautiful wooden table and a couch with a fireplace, there was also a large bookshelf for all his books. I went upstairs and there was a bathroom with a bath and a shower and the bedroom had a big bed and lots of closets.

Wow Severus, the house is beautiful! Can you teach me those spells?
Our house love, this is your late birthday present. It is our house for now on.
Severus! This means the world to me. I love you so much. He just said that he wants to live with me, I didn't expect this to happen.
I love you too Sam Anemone.

The day passed on and there was an owl in the kitchen with a letter.
I ran towards him and petted him, he gave me the letter and flew away.

Severus! The letter with my results in... the owl, he gave it to me.
Calm down Sam. Just read it.
I read the letter and it said I passed the exam.

Congratulations Sam Anemone, you passed your seventh year.

Welcome to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Professor Anemone.
Here you will find the list of supplies for the upcoming school year as a spells teacher.

With best regards,
Professor Albus Dumbledore and Professor Minerva McGonagall

Congratulations professor Anemone said Severus.
Thank you professor Snape.
We kissed and had a wonderful vacation together.

Severus Snape

The summer school started for Sam. Minerva and I taught her everything what she needed to know, she is such a quick learner.
It is time for her final exam, I wanted to grade it but Minerva thought that I wouldn't be objective...
I asked Sam if she would want to come to my house. Of course she said yes.

We apparated to my house and i showed her around. I didn't like being home, all those bad memories.

She asked why do you use one floor Sev?
I told her that I grew up in this house and that my father didn't want me near him so I got my own "home," Hogwarts is more home to me than this is.
I thought about that this could be our home, maybe it's time for change. I did several spells to get the house back in shape.

We went inside and she was amazed by the looks of the house, it was more beautiful than I remembered.

I was grabbing some wood for the fireplace when Sam yelled my name. I went to the kitchen and she was holding a letter, the letter with results in it. She was very nervous, calm down I said, just read it.
She read the letter and she passed! I knew she would pass, she is a natural talent.

Congratulations professor Sam Anemone I said.
She said thank you professor Snape.
We kissed and had a wonderful vacation.

I can't wait to teach with her at Hogwarts!

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