Chapter 16: The plan

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The students arrived and I ran towards Alice, it's not professional, but I had to tell her what happened.

Alice can you come along?
Yes of course Sam.
We walked towards the Charms corridor and I explained what had happened.
Oh no! That's so bad for you, Alice said. I might be able to help you.
The writer of that book is Newton Scamander, he is now sixty-eight years old, but he has a son and I have heard that he continues his father's work.
What's his son's name then? Where can I find him?
Calm down Sam, his name is Galton Scamander, I read in the Daily Prophet that he is in London for Albus.
For real? I have to go Alice. Thanks!

I ran to Albus's office and entered without knocking.

Professor Dumbledore! I ... he's just talking to a man I don't know. They stood up.
Sam said Albus, this is Galton Scamander, the son of the famous Newton. My mouth fell open, how lucky was I today?
Sorry to bother Albus, I was just about to ask you where I could find Galton, but that's not necessary anymore, I'll be back later.
No Sam stay, you're here now. Just ask your question.
Galton, I have a big problem and I need to find a Thunderbird, I'm teaching here so I can't leave. I was hoping you could find it for me.
Frank, said Galton, my father's Thunderbird has returned to him, the others were teasing him. I can send an owl to my father to ask if you can use it. What do you want to do with him?
I want him to cause a local downpour.
Ah, I will help you.
Thank you, thank you.

I ran into the Great Hall, the students were ready for the speech of Albus but I yelled Severus!
He stood up and walked towards me.

You must behave professionally Sam. What is it?
The plan! It will work. Galton Scamander is going to help me.
Galton, Newton's son?
I don't know, who knows, who might say it now and nothing will come of it.
I think so...
Don't get your hopes up love, let's go to our table.
Okay Severus.

If the plan worked I would have a lifetime with Severus. Suddenly I realized I hadn't asked Galton when he expects an answer or how to keep in touch, I'm starting to worry. Severus sees that there is something, but we had to be quiet.

We were allowed to go. Severus and I walked to our room together.

Severus? I did not tell Galton that it is urgent and how he can reach me ...
That's not a problem just send an owl, they always find their way to the right person.
Owls are special creatures.
Indeed, Severus said, they are my favorite.
I had to laugh. I am so happy Severus.
I'm happy when I'm with you, Sam.
Soon all this will be over and no one can stop us.
I love you baby.
I love you Sev too. We have arrived at the front door.
We kissed and got no further than the couch. Clothes flew across the room. Severus really knew how to spoil a woman.

We were cuddling on the bed when an owl tapped the window.
I stood up and open the window, I took the letter and said thank you to the owl. He flew away.

Who would we still receive mail from?
I don't know Sam, just open it.
I opened the letter and I read.

Dear Sam Anemone,
I discussed it with my dad and he said you can use Frank, but I have to be there. Frank doesn't like strangers.
I'll be at the castle tomorrow and take Frank with me.
Galton Scamander

What? Severus we have to start looking up now. The letter is from Galton, it is coming tomorrow!
Wow, already?
I looked for where the Death Eaters could be and Severus made the Forgetfulness potion.

Severus Snape

The students arrived and Sam ran towards Alice. I will be the news all around the school... great I thought.

I talked to Minerva until Sam yelled my name. She knew she had to use my last name when students were around. I walked towards her.

You must behave professionally when students are around Sam. What is it?
The plan! It'll work.
We talked a bit more until we went to our table because Albus was about to give his speech.

I looked at Sam, she seemed worried.
Dumbledore was finished and we walked to our room.

When we arrived at our room, we began to kiss and didn't make it past the couch.
I took off her clothes and she took mine. Our kisses became more passionate. I kissed her on the neck and went down like that.

When we were done, we cuddled.
An owl interrupted our moment, Sam stood up and went to the owl, took the letter out of his beak.

What? We have to start looking things up for our plan now!
Wow, already?
I went to my classroom and took all my ingredients: 2 drops of Lethe River Water, 2 Valerian sprigs, 2 measures of Standard Ingredient and 4 mistletoe berries. I brew the Forgetfulness potion, I hope Sam's plan works. When I am finished with the potion I'll go help Sam I told her that it's possible that they will be in the Malfoy Mannor tomorrow, she asked some house elves to search.

The sun was rising and the potion is finally ready. I decided to stop by Sam and see what she has already discovered.

The plan is finished Severus.
Where will they be?
Tomorrow there is a garden party in the Malfoy Mannor, the perfect moment!
At what time?
Around three o'clock in the evening.
Alright, come love, let's sleep a bit

We went to sleep but we are both nervous for tomorrow, I just hope it will work.

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