Chapter 4: Christmas break

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I woke up with thousands of thoughts, what to do next? What does the future hold?
I had so many questions, I would ask them all tonight.
The Christmas holidays were about to begin ... another two weeks with Hagrid. Would Severus stay at Hogwarts too?
It's time to get ready for breakfast.

Alice and I walked towards the Great hall.
You look so worried Sam, what's on your mind?
Nothing, I said, I'm just... Christmas is coming and you know that's a difficult time for me...
I understand, I can't stay at Hogwarts. Jack, the Slytherin boy I told you about, he wants me to come to his place for Christmas.
Oh, that is nice! I'm happy for you but promise you will be safe next time.
Yeah mom, she said laughing.

We walked to our table and began to eat. It is one week till Christmas break, one week till I can't see Alice, one week till all the sadness would come back.
Today we would go to Hogsmeade and Severus would go with us.

I walked next to Alice until, Severus said miss. Anemone, can you come walk next to me, we have to talk.
Alice said good luck and I walked next to him.
Professor McGonagall, is it alright miss. Anemone and me apparate to Hogsmeade? Severus asked.
Yes that is alright professor Snape.

Take my hand miss. Anemone, the first time is the worst.
We apparated to Hogsmeade and I felt so dizzy.
The dizziness will go away Severus said. We stood in a small side street and he kissed me hard.
Will professor McGonagall suspect nothing?
You don't have to worry about that love, all the professors know.
What? All? Will I get punished?
Don't be silly love, you are seventeen years old, you are of age.
Are they okay with it? I asked
Yes, they know that only you can make me happy.
Oh Severus, you are so sweet when you aren't sarcastic.
I'll take that as a compliment.

We walked to The Tree Broomsticks, where all the others were.
I smiled at professor McGonagall and she nodded.
Alice asked why professor Snape and me apparated, I really wanted to tell her but... not yet. He needed my help keeping seats for you all. What a bad excuse was that.
She laughed, you were later here than we were.
Yes, he had to buy some things for his potions too and I had to help to carry things. I was making it worse...
Okay, whatever, I'm going to Jack, see you later.
Bye. She must suspect something now.

The week passed.

It is Friday evening, tomorrow all students would return home to celebrate Christmas and I will stay here, as always. No home to go to. Tonight is the last detention with Severus. I'm going to ask him what he's going to do this vacation.
Professor Dumbledore gives his annual Christmas speech again and the tables fill up with treats.

I went to Severus's classroom. He wasn't here yet. I waited on his desk.

Hello Severus I said.
Hello Sam, how are you?
I don't know where to start.
Just at the beginning.
I... I think Alice must suspect something... when are we going to make it public?
Whenever you are ready love, are you ready?
I think so. I will be staying at Hogwarts during the Christmas break, what are you going to do Sev?
Hagrid has to buy some Bowtruls this break and he can't stay with you. Professor Dumbledore had to search for someone else and he asked me, of course I said yes.
So it is just you and me?
Yes love.
I kissed him. Two weeks alone with Severus, that is going to be great!

We talked for hours until I fell asleep on his couch. He stroked my face and put me on his bed.
He sat next to me for a moment, then went to sleep on the couch.

The next day I woke up in a bigger bed than mine.
Alice? Are you here?
No, I am sorry to disappoint you it is only me who's here.
Oh Severus you can't disappoint me. Why am I sleeping here?
You fell asleep on my couch yesterday, I didn't want to wake you. I hope you don't mind.
No, no, I just thought our first night together would be different...
Nothing happened love, I slept on the couch, I didn't know if you were okay with me laying next to you.
Next time you may lay next to me I said.
Alright Sam, I think you should say bye to your friends, they will go soon.
I was getting ready while I said friends? More like one person who feels sorry for me, but you're right. See you later Sev.
See you later my love.
We kissed and I left.

Where were you Sam Anemone? Alice yelled. Oh shit, she was angry.
Uh, I was, I slept, I.
Say it. I was so worried about you!
I slept in another bedroom...
Where? Whose? Tell me!
In the bedroom of professor Snape! I yelled back. Now I had to tell her everything.
Professor Snape's bedroom? What? What is going on?
I.. I liked professor Snape since the first day I saw him... when I had detention, we grew closer to eachother. I tried to stop it but my feelings were to strong, so were his. I had to tell you, but I was scared of your reaction.
Wow... You and professor Snape are dating?
Since Friday last week.
Merlins beard... congratulations. I am still a little bit angry but my girl has a boyfriend!
Can you keep it a secret till the end of the break Alice?
Of course I can, but no more secrets.
No more secrets.

I waved her off and went back to the castle.
That went better than I thought.

Severus Snape

I told the other professors what was going on between Sam and me, everybody suspected it. I was happy they took it well.

We would go to Hogsmeade today, I wanted a moment alone with Sam. I called her name and we apparated to a side street.
We kissed and talked for a bit, I am happy professor Dumbledore asked me to stay with Sam during the break but I will tell her when the break starts.

The week passed and it was the evening before the break, we talked for hours when she fell asleep. She is so beautiful when she sleeps.
I placed her on my bed and sat next to her. I was getting tired and I went to sleep. I don't know if she is alright with sleeping together and because of that I slept on the couch.

When she woke up, she was confused. We talked a while and kissed. She went away to say bye to Alice.

As I was laying on my bed, I thought about the things that would come marriage, kids,... I wanted it all.. with her. I realized I was less cold hearted and sarcastic. Oh Sam what do you do with me?
I can't wait for our life together.

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