Chapter 1: The beginning of something beautiful

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The sixth year at Hogwarts has started, I only now realized how much I missed Alice. I hope I see her in the Great Hall I thought while I walked to the Great Hall.
I saw her and ran to her. Alice! I yelled, you don't know how much I missed you, it was such a boring holiday with Hagrid, he couldn't stop talking about all kinds of dragons.
Do you have some juicy gossip about your holiday I asked? Alice said she had 5 holiday sweethearts and asked me if I ever had a boyfriend. I blushed and said I haven't had a boyfriend yet. Alice's mouth fell open, this year you must have had a boyfriend she yelled all over the room, I could sink through the ground.
What she didn't know, of course, was that someone was starting to become more special to me, but that person would never be able to love me, I got sad at the thought and shook them off.

Dumbledore gave as always his speech. Not many people really listened to what he said, most of them just wanted to eat and go to bed afterwards.
I never really looked at Dumbledore when he gave his speech, I was more interested in who sat next to him at the table, professor Severus Snape. I don't really know why I like him so much, I just feel drawn to him.

Alice and I were laughing and trying to eat as much jelly as we could, but that was a bad idea, a couple hours later we were both throwing up in the bathroom. These are the moments we'll never forget. After a while we went to sleep.

The first day is always the worst, waking up early, stressing about classes, I just hate first days.
I walked to my classes when I saw I had two hours of potions, two beautiful hours I could spend with my crush.
The potions class started. I sat down and took my books. Professor Snape asked some very difficult questions and if you answered wrong you had detention. It was my turn to answer and I became so stressed that I forgot the right answer. Professor Snape said, detention this evening miss. Anemone. I did not really mind having detention with him, maybe I could try catch his attention.

The day passed and it was time to get ready for detention with Snape. I walked towards the dungeons and I felt my heart beating in my chest, I was the only one who got detention, what meant I was the only one who would sit in a classroom with professor Snape.

I knocked on the door.
Come in Snape said.
Hello professor Snape, I am here for my detention. As fast as I said it as fast as I regret it, for what else would I be in his classroom?
Of course Snape said. You have to put all the books in alphabetical order on the shelves.
I looked at the pile of books, this would take forever. I started placing the books on the shelves but the shelve I had to start with was too high. He must have seen it, because he brought a ladder. Thank you sir, that is very kind of you I said.
Hours passed and he said that I could take a little break. I sat down and I asked him what he was doing.
I am grading papers, but I cannot give many grades, you students never study and are always thinking about love, sex and gossips.
I began to blush, not every student is like that. haven't you had a schoollove?
Snape looked me in the eye and said that love something is for fools.
That's not true! Love is beautiful... Especially if it could be with you, what I did not dare to say of course.
Professor Snape asked me if I have had a boyfriend and I said no. I was shocked he was interested in my lovelife.

He said that because I did not finish my task I have two more weeks detention and I could go to my common room. I packed my stuff, wished him goodnight and went to my common room.

Alice was already sleeping, I had to be quiet otherwise she would be angry. I went to bed and fell asleep thinking about how much I would love it to see him again.

Severus Snape

Sam Anemone was one of his favourite students, she was kind, intelligent and also goodlooking. She had beautiful blonde hair, blue and greyish eyes, she had beautiful curves and he wonders what that would look like underneath her shirt... He mustn't think such things about his student! She probably isn't interested in him in a romantical way.

He didn't love Lily anymore since he found out that she never liked him and used him for good grades. He was hurt, but since Sam was a student of Hogwarts his days became brighter and he watched over her.
He talked to Dumbledore about his interest for Sam and he told him to wait until she was old enough to be able to feel true love.

Severus really wanted a moment with Sam alone so he gave her the hardest question, which he knew she couldn't answer. She was stuttering and struggling to answer. She did not know the answer. He had to act calm but on the inside he was very happy, he had a moment with her alone! Detention this evening miss. Anemone.
The class was finished and the students left the classroom.

He went in the shower, put a new robe on and was ready to give Sam detention.

She knocked and walked in, Severus smiled
She was struggling with the top shelve so he brought her a ladder, maybe it was too nice, but he couldn't let her drop his beloved books! After a while he saw that she was getting tired and he offered a break.
They've had a nice conversation and he decided it was enough detention for one day. He wanted more of these moments so he told her that the detention was extended with two weeks. He thought she would be mad, but she smiled and told him goodnight.

Severus saw her walking away and he thought about how much he would love it to see her again.

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