Chapter 12: The Death Eater

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Today the students will be arriving, I am nervous. I barely slept, but I am completely ready.
We went to the Great Hall and sat in our seats at the table, I took Severus's hand under the table, he smiled at me and said everything will be fine, today they just arrive, eat and unpack, tomorrow is the real class day.
I know Severus, but normally I was sitting at one of the tables now waiting for dinner.
Haha, it will all go well, believe me.
Okay Severus.
The students walked in and looked at who was sitting at the long table, all curious about who replaced Professor Flitwick.

Albus Dumbledore came in and said silence! All the students sat down and were quiet.
Welcome to Hogwarts, as you can see there are some new professors this year, At the right side we have Elijah Volantes, the replacement of Madame Hooch. Elijah stood up and waved to the students. At the left side we have Sam Anemone, the new professor of Charms. she speeded up her seventh year in order to become the professor of Charms. I waved to the students with a big smile.
Alright, enjoy the meal!
The students ate and went to their common rooms afterwards.

Alice Smith can you stay for a moment?
Of course professor Anemone.
We laughed.
It suits you being a professor Sam.
Thank you Alice, I was so nervous.
Is the new professor nice?
I don't know, Severus... professor Snape hates him already and I don't know what to think of him.
Haha, I didn't know his first name is Severus. See you tomorrow Sam, I am really tired.
Alright, see you tomorrow!

Severus walks next to me, we are walking in silence until I say it's such a beautiful evening.
Yes it is. I'm really proud of you Sam.
Thank you Severus. I am proud of you too.
We walked on to our chamber.

I wake up early because I am too happy to stay in bed, today I will be teaching my first class at Hufflepuff.

As I walk to the Charms corridor, I see Elijah.
Goodmorning professor Volantes, good luck today.
Goodmorning professor Anemone, thank you but I don't know where I have to be for my first class.
I will show you, follow me.
We walked towards the Training Grounds.
It's here.
Thank you Sam, may I ask you something?
Of course but ask it quickly my class is about to begin.
Do you really love professor Snape?
Yes, why do you ask?
You know that he is a Death Eater.
He was! Why do you care?
Because you can't stop being a Death Eater, it is forever.
Yes, you can. I have to go. I went to my classroom. I don't like him anymore and how does he know that Severus was a Death Eater? I shake off the thought.

Hello students, I am the new Charms teacher, professor Anemone. Today you will learn Wingardium Leviosa.

The class ended and I said go to your next class, I love being a teacher. Sadly enough it is my only class today. Maybe I can assist Severus.
I went to the dungeons and saw Severus arguing with Elijah. Severus saw me and said to me that I have to go away. It seems pretty serious so I went away.

A couple hours later I went back to the dungeons and saw Severus sitting behind his desk. He seemed worried.
Hello Sev, how are you? Why were you arguing with Elijah?
Hi Sam, I'm alright... he said some terrible things about you and I had to defend you.
What did he say?
That you're only a professor because of me.
Well, so terrbible isn't it, he said some mean things about you too.
He looked up, what did he say about me?
He knew you were a Death Eater ...
That's not possible, no one but you and Dumbledore know that!
I know Sev I thought it was weird too.
He stood up and told me that he has to go to Dumbledore's office.
Okay Severus, see you later.
I was alone in his classroom, thinking about why Elijah tried to get Severus and I apart. He is up to no good.

Severus Snape

Albus welcomed the students and introduced Elijah and Sam, I am so proud of her.

Alice left the Great Hall so I went to Sam to walk together to our bedroom.
Sam said, it is such a beautiful evening.
Yes it is I said, I am really proud of you Sam.
Thank you Severus, I'm proud of you too.
We walked on.

I am glad I will be teaching Slytherin today, I can't bear the Gryffindors on the first day.
We made a healing potion, gladly no one got hurt.
The class ended and the students went to their next class. Someone knocked on the door, who forgot their supplies this time but but no student came in, no, it's even worse than a student, it's Elijah Volantes.
What are you doing here professor Volantes? Shouldn't you be doing some tricks on your broomstick?
No, my class ended, I have a free period.
And during that free hour you thought I'd surprise Professor Snape with this wonderful visit? I made sure the sarcasm in my voice was clearly heard.
No, I have to tell you something about Sam.
And what do you have to say?
Sam flirted with me this morning, I guess she's not so loyal to you. You can still back out.
To flirt? With you? I laughed. Keep on dreaming, Sam doesn't like perverts like you. I saw Sam and told her to leave, I didn't want her to hear what I say to Elijah
I am not a pervert! She probably just became a professor because you are, but she has no qualities of her own! How often did she have to give you a blowjob before she became a professor? 5 times? 10 times?
Go away. Now! How dare you say something like that about Sam I'm with? Just beware, I can easily accidentally give you a potion that does nasty things to you.
Fine, I'll go but I warned you.
I threw everything off my table, how dare he?

After a while I calmed down and picked up everything I threw.
I sit down at my desk again and put my head in my hands, what do I have to do to get him out of here?
Sam came in and we talked a while. I think I have to tell Albus about what happened so I went to his office.

Hello Albus, can we talk for a moment.
Of course Severus, what's wrong?
I had an argument with Elijah. He knows things he isn't supposed to know... like my history as a Death Eater...
That's strange, only we know...
No, Sam knows it too. He can't know it, except... no that can't be.
What is on your mind Severus?
Maybe he is a Death Eater...
That is possible, it would explain why he is so interested in miss. Anemone.
We have to get him out of the castle I said.
No! Said professor Dumbledore, if it's true, we can get information through him. Go to Sam and tell her everything we know.
Okay professor Dumbledore.

I left his office with a knot in my stomach.

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