Chapter 5: First times

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The days with Severus were wonderful, we talked a lot and I got to know him even better.
Today it is Christmas. I didn't buy a present for him, so I asked one of the house elves to buy him a new cauldron with our initials engraved. I know it is corny but I just couldn't resist.
I sleep with Sev in one bed but we didn't have sex yet. I wasn't ready but tonight it will happen.

Severus was still asleep, but I was too happy to stay in bed. I went to the bathroom and showered, put on sexy lingerie and made me look beautiful. Although we both don't like Christmas that much, I was looking forward to celebrating it with him. I set the table, took orange juice, coffee, bread and spreads and of course soft boiled eggs. This day can't go wrong!

I went to our bed and kissed Severus awake. Good morning beautiful, did you sleep well? He hummed a bit and grabbed me tight. I love you I said, I want you with me forever. I saw his eyes sparkle.
I love you too Sam Anemone, he said.
We kissed a while and then he finally came out of bed.
Wow, did you make breakfast?
Yes, the elves aren't here today so I thought I give it a try.
You are so sweet and it is so tasty, just like you.
Oh Severus stop it, you make me blush.

He had been trying to get more sexual with me for a couple days. Men remain men, of course. Tonight he will get what he wants, what we both want.

The house elve came back with my present, Severus was very curious what would be inside, but he had to wait.
We were decorating the tree when I asked him how his vision of the future is.
My vision? Certainly with you, maybe you can become a professor too, then we see eachother everyday.
I've always dreamt of being a professor, but I don't know which class I could teach.
You are a talented girl at Charms, professor Flitwick will retire next year.
But then is my seventh year...
If you want to you can skip your seventh year, take summer school and then become a professor before the new schoolyear starts.
I don't know, that is lots of work.

It is time to open our presents! I'll give you mine first.
I thought it would be a nice gift but if you don't want it we can return it...
It is perfect love what did you engrave?
SS & SA, Always. Those are our initials and our love is forever so I chose always.
You are so corny, I love you.
I love you too professor. We laughed.
My present for you has a special meaning Severus said.
I'm so curious!
I opened the present and I saw a beautiful necklace, there was a gemstone incorporated. Wow, that is so beautiful.
The gem is an Amber, it is for good luck in love and marriage.
Oh Sev, that is so sweet.

We ate and laughed. After a while it was time to go to sleep, little did he know what would happen.

I dimmed the lightning with my wand and sat on his lap. I really like you Severus, I think it is time for our next step.
What step would that be?
This one. I kissed him passionate.
I opened the buttons of his robe, took off his shirt and kissed his chest.
Oh this is the next step? Severus said. He picked me up and put me on the bed. He took off my dress and looked at my body, you are so beautiful.
I was laughing, it's so exciting I thought.
We kissed even harder and more intensely, I felt that Severus was a little nervous.
I took off his pants and he moaned a little.
Are you ready? He asked.
I am ready.
We took off our underwear and made love all night.

He was really good in bed, I hoped that I was good for my first time.
While I was laying on his chest I felt insecurities come up. Instead of worrying I decided to ask them

Yes love?
Was... was it good? Our sex? Was I good?
You were fantastic.
Have you had many bedpartners?
No love, I had one, but that was just an one night stand.
You are very pretty, especially naked.

I am insecure about my body, I'm a little overweight. 

We fell asleep in eachothers arms.

Severus Snape

I didn't want Sam to know what my present would be so I let a house elve buy the necklace. I hope she will be happy with it.
I woke up because of Sam laying on my chest and kissing me, I wish I could wake up every day like this. She even made breakfast, I am so glad I have her.
We talked about the future and laughed a bit.

It was time for the presents and she gave me such a beautiful cauldron, I am so happy wth it. I certainly will use it during my classes.
I gave her the necklace and I saw her smile, yes! I gave a good gift. I am not good at giving gifts or in being nice, but with her everything is so easy.

We ate and laughed.

When we went to sleep Sam said that it is time for the next step. I really do want to marry her, but we've only been a couple for a month! She started to take my clothes off and I knew where this was heading to.

We made love and it was so passionately. It was the best sex I've ever had.
I noticed she was becoming insecure, but I wanted to let her ask the things herself, she did not like it when I used Legilimency.

We talked a while and fell asleep in eachothers arms.

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