Chapter 12

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Ximena Pov:

Skipping to Friday after school

It was Catalina Samantha and I at the nail salon getting our nails done for tomorrow we also invited Hailey but she said that she had to help her mom out but next time. I picked the like a nude type of color. We sat down and let them do our nails and started to get to know Samantha. So from what I just learned she was born in Florida but raise in California. Well the only reason why she goes to our school because she moved houses and our school was close by and her old one is like an hour away.

They finally finished and paid and left. We stop by to get something to eat. It was getting a little bit dark so I dropped Samantha off and then Catalina. I head back home and walked in to see Mandy.

"Mandy? Hi I didn't even know you were here" I gave her a hug

"Oh just making plans with your mom to do a carne asada next weekend and invite some friends over so basically like a kickback" she smiled at me

I nodded "cool well it's great seeing you but I'm head up to my room now so goodnight" I tell them

"I'll head up there in a minute so I could talk to you"
Mandy said and I nodded

10 minutes later I heard knocking on my door and told them they could come in. I knew it was Mandy. She sat at the corner of my bed

"How are you doing hun?" She asked me

"I'm doing just fine we'll not really I wanted to punch Zion the other day for making me lose half of my grade on the project"

"What do you mean?" She scrunch up her eyebrow

"Uhh nothing never mind how is everyone I miss them"

"Well Kekeli got accepted to her dream college so soon she'll be moving back to Canada and Elom just join soccer and volleyball team so he's barely gonna be home but other than everything is all good" she smiled

"Wow I feel like I'm missing out a lot I remember how I would just go over and never wanting to leave but I feel like it would be weird if I still do that"

"Well you could always text one of us to hangout somewhere or here whichever you prefer but I should get home I have to go in early but I'm glad to see you doing okay" she smiled once again and show her the way out. Like I said before Mandy and I always get along really well.

I got ready for bed and watched a movie so I could fall asleep. The girls are coming over to get ready and Brandon is gonna pick us up. My parents and siblings are gonna be leaving early in the morning to go visit my mom side of the family yeah I told her I was gonna stay home.


The next day

The girls got here at 4 and Brandon is suppose to be coming around 8. We got 4 hours to get ready. We got ready under 2 hours I'm shook but since we got 2 more hours till Brandon gets here we had a little photo shoot. Hours passed by and B finally came and picked us up. We let Samantha sit up front she told us that she really likes Brandon but she's shy so we're gonna get them to admit they like each other but I mean it's kind of obvious so we really don't have to do anything.

At the party we started to drink. Catalina, Nick, Edwin, Samantha, and I been taking shots after shots after shots. They were gonna spend the night at my place. Austin and Brandon decided to stay sober so they could drive since we have to take 2 cars because not everyone could fit.

We were dancing, taking pictures/videos of each other, you know just having fun. The rest of the night we kept on drinking until the party got busted by the cops. We got in the car and drove off to my house. I unlocked the door and let everybody in. We were down in the basement and set up air mattress so everybody could have something to sleep on. We put on a movie and let the rest of the night begin. I got on twitter and tweeted for the first in a while.



After a good night out with my friends I finally feel a lot happier (:

*DREADHEADZEDD liked your tweet*

I clicked on the notification to see and looked like he unliked it and blocked me lmao okay

I turned off my phone and continue to watch the movie until everybody else started to feel asleep. I was the last one to past out



😬😬😬 Yeah Idk lol

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