Chapter 17

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Zion Pov:

After dropping Ximena off I'm glad that we both decided to stay as friends. Even though we ain't together but I do wanna be around her. It's just something about her that makes me feel different. It's always been like that before we started to date. Yeah we're not together but at least we're friends. Pretty sure not a lot of people can do that.

I went to the beach after dropping her off and didn't leave until it was like 8am. When I got home I tried to sneak back into my room but then I got caught by dad. Well fuck

"Zion is that you?" He walked out of the kitchen

"Yeah it's me"

"Have you been out all night?"

"Okay before you say anything I snuck out like at 2am for food and then chilled at the beach after" I told him hopefully he won't yell at me.

He sighed "you could of got kidnapped just let me know next time" he walked back upstairs to his room

I nodded and went back to my room I took a shower and I turned on my gaming system and started to play. My mom brought me a plate so I could eat.

I was starting to feel tired and went to sleep for a while. Which it didn't last because everyone started to blow up the gc. Ximena kicked me out like 2 weeks ago but then added me back in. Yeah everyone was confused and so was I. Everyone wanted to hangout today and go to the beach so back to the beach I go.



Hey hoe I'm walking to your
house rn cause I don't feel
like driving also I need to give
something to your mom

Oh okay well the front door
is unlocked but you don't even
bother knocking first so what's
the point. Give her what?

Ion know 🤷🏻‍♀️ it's from my mom

Oh ok


5 minutes later I heard her walked in and heard my mom voice. I was about to finish up until Ximena walked in with a slice of pizza

"So you just gonna take my food like that with out asking" I joked around with while putting on my shirt

"Hey when they offer you food you say yes never turn food down" she sat on my gaming chair "nice tattoo by the way" she added

I finished and grabbed what I needed. She started to walk in front of me while I closed my bedroom door. Since Elom and Kekeli love to go in and take my stuff .


Ximena Pov:

When we got to the beach I was starting to sweat so I took off my shirt which leaves me with a bikini top and shorts. I caught Zion starring and he tried to hide his face expression but it was really noticeable. Edwin caught him off guard while trying to set up the umbrella so we wouldn't get too much sun while laying down on the sand.

Catalina, Samantha, and I were tanning while the rest of the boys were in the water playing like a little kid and Austin and Hailey building a sand castle
(A/n: it's weird for me to have Hailey as Austin's girlfriend now that he's a dad but it's a fan fiction so just pretend okay 😣)

I had my eyes closed while laying down on my back. I felt like someone was over me blocking the sun I opened my eyes just to find out that Zion carrying me over his shoulders and dropped me in the water. I got up and tackled him down and started to play fight with him. It felt nice just to be me around him again usually I just felt like I was a bother or something.

"Aww look at the love birds" edwin laughed

I gave him a mean look "your next" he hid behind nick and nick walked away from him

"Sorry buddy but I'm not gonna save you today she's a little aggressive when you make her mad" nick put his hand up like he was defending himself

"Bro it was a joke" Edwin shook his head

We spent a few hours before going home. Spring break is almost coming up and most of the squad are going back to their hometown to visit their families. My parents wants to go to Mexico but I think I'm just gonna stay home this time.

On the ride home I had thoughts running around my head but I snapped out of it

"What you thinking" Zion asked me

"Huh? Oh nothing" I tell him

"When you think your really silent so what's up" he was focusing on the road

"Thinking if I should just go stay at my grandparents while my parents and siblings are at Mexico for spring break"

"Your not going this time? You always go" he looked at me for a quick second

"Just don't feel like going this time" he nodded.

We got stuck in traffic and it was barely even moving. I felt like my eyes were starting to get heavy Zion noticed and handed me his hoodie so I wouldn't be cold because who knows how long we gonna be on the road. I took a 30 minute nap. I opened my eyes and saw that we haven't moved not even like 50 feet were still in the same spot. I texted my mom and let her know what's happening and who knows if I'm get home tbh so I just might stay home from school tomorrow.

Traffic still hasn't moved. No one doesn't wanna back up and get off from a exit couple miles back. I could see that Zion is starting to get frustrated. We waited a couple more minutes it was starting to move slowly. It took 3 more hours just till I get home.

Before getting out of Zions car I grabbed my stuff and gave him a quick hug as a thank you for a ride which I kind of regret because when we pulled away from each other the way he looked into my eyes made me feel some type of way. It's the same way he used to look at me everytime he would tell me "I love you"

I gave him a quick smile and walked away. I got inside and took a nice long shower to get the stress away. I got ready for bed and fell asleep as soon as I hit the bed



Sorry for the late upload with everything that has been going on I wanted to distance myself from all social media platform.

If you guys are out protesting please be safe and watch out for anything that might harm you. I pray to god that everyone is out there being safe. If you guys ever need anything or wanna talk to somebody about it I'm always here.

Proud of the boys  but especially Edwin and Brandon are going out fighting real hard for this. It's a shame of what the world is coming to.

You got me? -Zion Kuwonu/ Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now