Chapter 14

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Ximena Pov:

I got up and got ready for school. Before going downstairs I took a deep breath. It's like those moments when you don't wanna get up and go to school but you have to because your mom will beat your ass if you stayed home.

Ate some breakfast dropped off Eli and then arrived to my school parked in my usual. Met up with Catalina, Nick, Brandon, and Samantha. Even though I just met B I'm so happy for him. I could tell that he's been through a lot and Samantha makes him a lot happier.

We all walked into our first period together which you guys already know. We sat in the back and started talking until it was time for class to start. It was kind of boring if you ask me but then again I wasn't even listening a word Ms Davis said.

I think my favorite part of the day is lunch. We ended up having to take 2 cars again but this time Zion didn't even came with us thank god. We're going to Olive Garden I don't know why but that's what Catalina and Samantha wanted to eat so that means we're gonna have to skip the rest of the day. When we arrived there they took us to our table and started off with our drink.

"Do you guys think we should do something this weekend?" Hailey asked us

"Well not Friday cause that's date night for me and my girl" Brandon put his arm around Samantha and gave her a kiss on the cheek. She started to blush how cute

"Okay well Saturday?" Catalina looked around the table And everybody nodded their head yes

"Let's go bowling we haven't done that in a long time" Edwin spoke up

"Actually that's a great idea let's do it" I smiled and that's what we agreed on

"Get ready for me to win you guys" nick said

"Boy you didn't even win on Ximena birthday shut your ass up" Brandon laughed 

Our food got here and we started to eat. Before we left we made sure to leave a good tip to the waitress. She was very respectful towards us and made sure everything was okay during the whole time we've been here. Edwin was the one who noticed she had a tattoo of her daughters name and asked about it and she told us her birthday is coming but she's taking extra shifts to make extra money just so she could buy the gift her daughter wanted. If you know me I have a good heart I told everyone to chip in and leave some money for her. A single mother having to work extra shift just to get what her kid wants. She has all my respect. From what I can tell she's a good Mother.

While we walking out she stopped us

"You guys left this" she tried to give us the money

I shook my head no and gave it back to her "no ma'am you earned it just get your daughter something that she will love" I smiled "my mom has always told me when someone has been kind to you make sure you do the same in return I don't know your story but I can tell that your a good mother and trying her very best" she asked if she could hugged me and I told her yes. She started to cry.

After we left we ended going back to school so they could pick up their cars since school is already over. I got home and asked my mom if she needed help with dinner. I love making dinner with my mom since that's our bonding moment.

"How was school?" She asked me

"It was good but I ended up skipping after lunch cause we ate at Olive Garden" I tell her while chopping up some onions for her.

"And then what else? Make sure you ask for your work tomorrow" she said

"Don't worry I'll ask for it first thing in the morning and we'll we left a good tip to this waitress I just wanted to do something nice" I smiled

"That's good thank you for helping out but I got it from here" I nodded and went out to the living room eventually my dad walked in and the twins literally jumped on him.

I was on my phone and waited till dinner was ready. In the meantime my dad told us to grab some buckets with some soap and water so we could clean all of the cars in the driveway. Yeah my dad loves to keep our cars clean. After we finished cleaning dinner was finally ready and we all went inside to go eat. My parents wants to go walk around the park after dinner so I changed into my work out outfit after dinner. While my parents went for their walk and I was in the playground with my siblings I just thought of how bless I must be to be with my family. I literally love them so much even though we bump heads but they have supported me from the very start.



Ehh I don't know what this chapter is about lol but I just wanted to upload something

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