22. Sent Away

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Gerard and I sat huddled in eachother's arms that night. I guess I was scared. Gerard dozed off halfway through the night. I stayed away, fear coursing through my veins. I coul dhear a police officer going through papers at his desk. A phone quietly rang.

"Yes, we do have Gerard Way and another boy." Said the cop, I moved myself closer to Gerard, holding a bunch of his shirt. "No, you cannot come and do a report here. This is confidential." He snapped. I closed my eyes tightly, maybe it woul dall be a dream. "All I can tell you sis that they are being sent to Stone Prison in the morning." The cop said, I heard him slam the corded phone down.

I rested my head on Gerad's chest right over his heart. I could hear his breath swooshing in through hsi throat and into his lungs and out. His breath reminded me of a quiet beach and the water rushing up and down the shore. His heart beat was slightly fast, like the quickened beat of a drum. A war drum, steady, soothing, but menacing. I closed my eyes and tried to clear my mind.

My mind was full of raging emotions and memories. They were so cluttered I could almost hear them rustling in my skull. Like my brain was tryign to file papered memories. It made me crazy. Gerard woke up a bit later, and he laid me down next to him, one of his arms strongly around me holding me clsoe. It was safety.

In the morning we were picked up and sent away to Stone Prison. That's where we would start our new lives.

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