Part Seven: Earn her Trust

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Merida had guided everyone to some abandoned cabin in the forest. There, her parents and three little brothers also stayed. Everyone was in now, all except

Anna. She looked at the threshold and feared the worst.

"I-I'll stay out here. It's safer for everyone." She stammered, clutching her hands firmly together. Merida looked at Anna in disbelief.

"I might not like you all that well, but I am not cruel." She spat. "Get inside." Her demanding tone was intimidating but Anna listened anyway and hurriedly went inside the small cabin. It was a very small spacious place, cozy to say the least. Introductions went fast enough, and then soon everyone was sitting in awkward silence. It was like this for the rest of the night, then finally everyone was getting ready for bed now. Anna was glad for this. The day was finally over, and she could rest somewhat peacefully and drown silently in her own fears. She sat quietly by herself, not really wanting any company. But Merida came over, her flashy red hair bouncing.

"It's a shame about your sister." She tonelessly said. "I'm sorry." Anna slowly looked over at Merida to gaze at her.

"It's alright." She whispered. "I'll get her back." And she knew that was true. No matter what. Anna got up to go to her assigned resting quarters when she ran into Jack, with Merida on his arm.

"Going to bed Anna?" He smiled. Anna nodded.
"And... Where are you guys going?" She asked curiously. Merida cut in loudly and high pitched.

"We haven't seen each other in so long. We have lots of catching up to do!" And with that she dragged Jack away, his face looking helpless as they disappeared behind a door. after this the cabin went silent. Anna lay her head on a rough patched quilt pillow, then fall into a sleep full of nightmares.


Pitch had brought Elsa away from the dense forest of Corona, to a large open plain that stretched on for miles. He stood facing a white oblivion and smirked devilishly.
"Our castle will be here." He stated proudly. "The biggest and darkest. Does my Queen find this to her liking?" He asked, turning to Elsa.

"Yes I do." Elsa said. "But... It must also be cold and frigid."
Elsa looked around the open plain. She had many ideas for where to put certain things. But mostly where to put Anna.

"There needs to be more snow." Elsa complained. "And much more ice."
She walked forwards into the plain looking around again. Everything would need to be perfect for someone of her status.

Pitch nodded with a smile as he start to think of this new castles foundation.
"Of course my lady. Do the honors." Graciously he stepped aside to allow Elsa space. For some reason he couldn't stop glancing at the Queen. She looked so beautiful in this dark state. He knew feelings were starting to grow for her, but he had no idea if she felt the same.

Elsa was glad she had been put in charge of creating the castle. It would be a statement of just how powerful she was.

Elsa made simple movements with her hands as she set the foundation of the castle. Eventually the large foundation for the castle was complete. Constructed completely of ice, of course.

Elsa then started to wander across the foundation, mumbling to herself as to where she wanted everything to be. Pitch smiled his cruel grin and followed his Queen wherever she went. Something about how she could still be graceful and powerfully evil at the same time made him start to develop stronger feelings. They way she did everything stood out to him.
"The ice needs a bit of color." He suggested, then dashed over to one of the walls, where he pointedly touched a dainty pale finger to it. Instantly a flood of dark swirls started to mix with Elsa's ice magic. Soon the two powers worked together and finally the castle was on its last stages to being finished.

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