Chapter Four- Albus gets a screaming letter

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"Well, seriously, I think I'm done with this one." Rose was reading one of the Elvin history textbooks. Apparently, she had studied ancient runes at Hogwarts and it only took her an hour to translate everything. "Did the elves really think they helped the Egyptians build the pyramids? Because honestly, the wizards were there too- and they did a must better job of helping. Wingardium leviosa!" She half halfheartedly waved her wand, causing Albus to float into the air while playing Exploding snap with Keefe. His card exploded just before she put him down. 

"HA!" Keefe said. "I'm winning! THIS IS MY NEW FAVORITE GAME!" "Have you ever heard of Quidditch?" Albus asked. Keefe frowned. "Okay, this time I'm serious. What's Quidditch? Some kind of disease?" Albus looked offended. "It's the best game in the world! Played on a broom-" "WHAT!?" After Albus had explained the wonders of the game, Keefe turned to her and said, "Foster! I want a broom!"

 "Oh please," Rose said. "Look, I play Quidditch and as a chaser, I know for a fact you'll probably get hit by a bludger seconds into the game." Keefe laughed. "That sounds awesome!" "Actually, it should sound terrible,"  Albus said. "You'll  probably break all the bones in your body from falling from 100 feet high in the air. You'll be in the hospital wing taking Skele-grow for weeks." He and Rose shuddered simultaneously. 

Biana burst into her room. "GUESSWHATTHECOUNCILISHOLDINGABALLANDTHEY'REINVITINGTHERESTOFTHEWIZARDSIAMSOEXCITEDAHHHHHHH!" Sophie laughed. "Biana, slow down!" Just then, an owl burst through her window and dropped a red envelope into Albus' lap. "Albus," Rose whispered. "She's sent you a howler. You better open it, dad told me he got one from grandma. It was horrible." Albus gulped. "What if I don't open it?"

The letter burst into flame. "Oh." Albus said quietly. A woman's high voice sliced through the air like knives. Sophie stared, with a mixture of awe and horror, at the letter, which now resembled a paper fanged mouth. "ALBUS SEVERUS POTTER! HOW DARE YOU LEAVE THE HOUSE WITHOUT PERMISSION WITH  YOUR COUSIN! I AM ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTED! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO LOOK AFTER HER! IF YOU'RE FATHER AND I WEREN'T GOING TO PICK YOU UP AT THE BALL WE WOULD HAVE GONE RIGHT OVER THERE AND TAKEN YOU HOME!" The woman's voice immediately got kinder. "Oh, and Rose dear, I'm so glad you're safe. You're mother and I were so worried!" With that, the letter disintegrated into ash, the ashes purposely rubbing into Albus' soot covered face.

"Well," Rose said after a moment of silence. "That was lovely."

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