Chapter Twenty-Five- To do: Summon a monster~Check!

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"You sure about this?" Sophie asked, staring down at the cauldron beside her as Rose laid down the crystal. Harry laughed, and answered or her. "Think we aren't," He said jokingly. "We didn't know what we were doing when we were fighting Voldemort half the time," He grinned. 

Sophie turned. "Where'd you get the fire, anyway?" Rose paled and said, "From the ministry." Sophie's eyes widened. "Oh, it was fine- I wore the cloak!"

Rose went over to the potion and ladled some into a vial. "Linh -you ready?" Linh nodded and pulled out a sack of crushed. basilisk egg shell. "Now!" Together they watched as the potion flowed onto the rocks, the bits of white shell shining on the surface. rose crushed the bottle and stepped back.

"Alright," Rose said, satisfied. "Now for the spell. Sophie? Do you want to do the honours?" Sophie walked forward, pulling her wand from her robes. Her hand trembled, but she willed her voice to sound strong as she said, "Vivetem- Expergismini!"  

She watched as the egg shell quivered, wiggled- and melted- the white spreading through the potion. Bit by bit, the potion paled and cleared. "Now what?" Biana asked. "We wait."   but nothing happened. "Isn't a giant snake supposed to pop up?"  Scorpio asked. "It is!" Rose said, clawing at her hair. It is- let me check the book-" from thin air, the battered book thudded onto the ground, and Rose flipped frantically through it.

Suddenly, Biana jumped to her feet. "Look!" She pointed to the sky. A gold and white streak was heading towards them. "It's a shooting star! Make a wish!' Linh cried. Linh and Biana put their hands together as if in prayer and closed their eyes. "Is it just me," Tam said, staring at the star. "Or is it getting bigger?

Sophie squinted. It was indeed. The light was getting brighter- almost blinding- she gasped. At the same time, Harry must have realized the same thing. "Protego!" The star that turned out to be a ball of fire smashed against the force field. One more second and they would have been goners. 

Her heart thumping loudly in her chest, she inched forward.  A figure with sharp angled features stared back at them. "Fintan!" She reared backwards, gathering her mental energy. "I wouldn't do that if I were you," He snickered. He pointed behind her. She turned. A portal, glowing with  all the colours of the spectrum glowed, and from within the pit something gave a gutteral roar.

She turned back. Harry still had his wand out. Please, she transmitted. Get the others to safety. Harry jerked his head in comprehension, but looked at her anxiously. But as she closed her eyes to think, Fintan threw something at her.  Gas erupted from it in all directions. She quickly lifted her hand to her nose, watching in horror as one by one her friends dropped to the floor. But wait. not all  of them.

Rose tackled Fintan to the ground. "Close the portal," Rose screamed. "Now!" She grabbed Fintan's wand and snapped it over her knee. He glared with menace and reached for a silver dagger, Rose, having not had seen turned to shake Albus awake. 

Sophie couldn't let that happen. No, it wouldn't happen. It wouldn't. It couldn't. Because Rose was still sitting on the floor reading the book. Confusion raced through her like wildfire, but she couldn't risk her friend's safety. She raised her wand, and without hesitation, slashed it through the air, pushing all the pent up energy buzzing in her head through her arm and out the tip of her wand.  

An invisible force pushed her to the ground as a jet of multicoloured flames burst from her wand. She watched the jets of light, speckled with silver, and gold, glow brighter like nothing she had seen before. It circled Fintan, then encased him in a glowing cage, then exploding- and he disappeared.

"Where did he go?" She said, her voice shaky. Harry rose from the ground, his hair even more disheveled than normal. "He went back to where he came from-" Harry said. "You won't have to worry- it will be fine, " he reassured. But as soon as relief began to poor into her chest, a squeaky voice that belonged to Dex brought her back to reality. "Guys?"

Dex pointed a quivering hand to the sky. A writhing creature with long wings flew away, it's humungous form shrinking to a black speck among the stars. She swiveled her head to Rose, who was tapping the blackened crystals with  her wand. She looked up and confirmed what Sophie had feared. "The Void has escaped."

Longest chappie yet! Hope you enjoyed! XD 


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