Chapter 22

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Because I had so much fun writing the last one, here we go again. You guys are amazing, thank you for all the votes! Sorry it took so long for me to update after the 850 votes. Some AS*HOLE in my group didn't do his part so I had to do it, and then I had to eat dinner and work on something else for school and then finish the chapter, but here it is now! Please enjoy!!

Erica immediately demanded the security tapes of the morgue. We wanted to see if Mark was never here, or if he was moved after he got here. The old guy looked very frazzled at the disappearance.

"I swear," he pleaded with a very angry Hailey, "I oversaw it myself! Mark Dazy was delivered here, I promise." Hailey wasn't hearing any of it, and was just angry. Plus, she couldn't get that family heirloom ring back.

Mike was out of there in an instant after we were done searching. He stood outside the shop and paced. I wasn't sure if it was out of concern for Mark, but I'd be willing to bet it was more because he was so close to dead bodies.

Zoe was being helpful and was calming down Hailey best she could. Since Zoe had experience with little kids, she was making some progress on Hailey. She was very angry, but Zoe assured that Erica had expertise in this matter and that she was going to take care of it.

I was in charge of getting this creepy guy's name and information, in case he was a bad guy working with Joshua or whoever. I doubted it though. He was creepy, weird and seemed too unusual for even Joshua to work with. He normally employs young and handsome people, not old men who live alone and work at a morgue for over forty five years. Still, you could never be too careful. I took pictures of his driver's license and some other random stuff. I didn't quite know what I was doing, but I was pretending to be helpful.

Suddenly, my phone rang. It was an unknown number. Normally I don't answer those, but the area code was from Washington DC and it could have been for work or something. I walked outside and out of earshot from where Zoe, Mike and Hailey were.

I picked up, "Hello?"

"Hi Ben," someone said in a hushed whisper, "I just installed some secure hardware on your phone remotely."

I recognized the voice, even in a whisper, "Audrey? And how did you install secure hardware remotely? Don't you need my permission or my password or something?"

I heard some moving and rustling on Audrey's end, like she was moving. I also thought I heard a loud engine or something. She scoffed, "Like I need a password. You should really protect your phone better. And you really don't want to know. Anyway, I have to make it brief, since this is, you know, illegal. Are you in a secure location?"

I really wasn't, but I wanted to hear what Audrey had to say.

"Yes I am."

"Okay, so I got your results back," there was more sounds in the background of her call, like she was moving yet again, "And you're right."

That really piqued my interest, "I am? About what?"

"There was something on that cup you told me to test. Specifically, residue on the rim of the cup." Audrey was speaking calmly, but there was a sense of urgency about it, probably because she wasn't supposed to be using CIA equipment for outside matters.

Now I was very interested, "What? What is it?" I asked in a hurry.

"Okay, it's very interesting. It wasn't poison or anything meant to be lethal. It was merely a long-term allergy drug called Xenya. It's even advertised on TV. You know that annoying commercial with over-excited people running through fields of flowers while the calm voice says that the side effects include brain tumors? Yeah that one. Point is, anyone could get the drug that was on the cup. It wasn't any russian poison or anything. Xenya is a fairly strong medication that has long term effects on removing allergies. Many people take it. But it is however recommended that people only under sixty take it, because it has very strong dreary effects on older people. It makes them drowsy, but even if someone older than sixty takes it, it's not lethal. Heck, even if you overdose, it shouldn't kill you. And based on the results, there wasn't enough for an overdose. At most, it seems like it was the recommended serving treatment."

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