Chapter 3

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Harry's POV:

I don't know what the hell is happening. I cannot think straight right now. One moment, some men were chasing after me and now someone is dying on me. I wanted to rush to the hospital to see if the lady can be saved but my vision is blurry and I feel like I'm going to pass out any moment. Suddenly it became so bright. Oh.. it's the car headlight. Then I heard someone screaming my name
" Haz! "

I look up and saw Nick and Stefan I think. It's blurry but somehow I managed to adjust to the light.

" Haz! " Nick called and ran to me. I just felt so helpless and I ran and hugged him. Tears were streaming down my face. I feel so scared. And everything became black.

Zayn's POV:

I drove to the bus stop where I dropped Gi earlier. I just hope nothing happens to her. But I know something terrible happened but I just don't want to believe my instinct and what I heard on the phone. I just wish it was nothing major. I just want Gi to be safe. I just want to hold her in my arms.

When I reached the bus stop, there were cops and their cars. I ran towards them. Where is Gi?

" Gi! "
" Gi! "

" She's my girlfriend! "

" Sorry you can't go in."

I was struggling to get out of their hold. " What happened here? "
" Where's the injured? "

" She was sent to hospital "


" Calm down "

" Zayn! " I looked up and saw my friend Louis. He is a cop.

" Louis! " I ran towards him.

" Calm down " Louis said to me but I really want to know if Gi is safe.

" What happened?! " " How's Gi? "

" Calm down "

" Louis where is Gi? "

Then, I rushed to the hospital.
" Sir, you can't go in! "

" I'm here to see my girlfriend."

They tried to stop me.

" The patient who got in a car accident is Gigi. How is she? "

" I can't say. We have to wait for the doctor to come out first." the nurse informed me.

" Zayn?!" I turned around to see Gi's mom Yolanda.

" Auntie."

" How's Gi? "

" We don't know yet. "
She was panting from running. I just feel so sorry for her.

I saw a doctor coming out from the Operation theater.

" Doctor...The patient name Gigi who got in a car accident. How is she? "

" The patient was in a fatal car accident. Her head was severely injured. There is bleeding in her brain." I just feel like my world is crumbling down. I just want to lay in a corner and scream but I have to stay strong for her mom. So I keep on the facade that it did not affect me to hear those words.

" Doctor please help my girlfriend."

" Anyhow I have to take the patient to the surgery room. Excuse me. " the doctor went away.

We waited for some hours then a doctor came out of the surgery room.

" Doctor how's my girlfriend? "

" The surgery is complete but we have to wait and see her condition in the ICU room. " I took a deep breath.

" Thank you very much doctor." Yolanda said. The doctor went away.

I looked at Yolanda and saw she has some hope in her eyes. She looked hopefully to me and squeezed her hand to assure her.

" Auntie please wait here."

" Zayn, where are you going?" I didn't answer her and came out and met Louis.

" Zee! I was about to go see you at the hospital."

" Where's the person who hit Gi? "

" Zee calm down first. "

" Lou. If it was your girlfriend or relative in critical condition at the hospital like Gi, could you calm down? Huh? "

" Wait! Zee. Calm down."

" I'm Gi's lawyer I will speak to the driver! "

" It'll just be a loss if you speak in a temperament like this. Calm down first. At least the driver isn't going anywhere. The guy will take full responsibility."
I think he's right so I shut up.

I went to the Police station with Louis and he showed me the guy who hit Gi.
The guy looked up at me and I know I've seen him before. It was earlier when I had an accident with the asshole actor.


" Hello I'm Harry Styles's driver. "

I turned and saw a small guy. " I'll clear this for you."

** End of flashback**

" I remember you. You are the driver for the celebrity Harry Styles. But you're not the driver who hit Gi."

I remembered the voice on the phone earlier. Now, I came to think of it, it was definitely Harry Styles. I spoke to him earlier and I know it was his voice.

" He's not the driver " I said again.

" Tell me the truth. Where's the driver who hit my girlfriend? " I asked the guy.

" I-It's m-me. I'm the driver. "

" Bulshit! " I pulled him by the collar.

" I'm not lying! "

" You are lying! "

Louis pushed me away from the guy.
" Calm down first. Who's the driver then, Zayn? "

" Before Gi was hit, I was talking on the phone with her up until the accident. And I heard a guy's voice from Gigi's phone saying he's sorry and he didn't mean to and I know for a fact that the voice does not belong to this guy."

" It was me. I was driving alone. "

I tried to hit him but Louis stopped me and pulled me away. " Calm down! Go home first! "

" Louis let go of me! "

Third person POV:

" Hello Anne Cooper? It's Bill from the crime Department. Yes, you don't have to worry. The work is done."

It's a short chapter but I hope you like it.

*Anne Cooper is Harry's mother

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