Chapter 17

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" I think Maya is acting weird today. I mean she never comes here." Liam said to Harry.

" You complain when your wife is throwing a hissy fit and you're suspicious when she's good. It's nothing." Harry said but honestly, he too is suspicious but he shrugged it off.

" Hurry up!" Liam announced.

" Sorry for coming late. I took a little long getting dressed." The other actor said as she arrived.

" That's alright." Liam said. " Are you ready?"

" I'm more than ready for an important scene like this." she said smiling.

" Everyone ready? In 5,4,3,2..Go"

The filming started.
Harry was walking when the other actor came up to him and slapped him for real.
" Ouch.." Harry rubbed his cheek.

"Cut!" Liam yelled.

" I'm sorry. I'm sorry." The actor said " I was supposed to speak before slapping right?" she asked.

" Haz, are you alright?" Liam asked walking to him. Then he turned to the other actor. " It was a real slap? You must not slap for real."

" It's an emotional scene and I didn't want lots of take but I can pretend slap if you want Harry." she said.

" If you want to slap for real and think it'll make the work look good then alright."

After that, the actor ended up slapping Harry two times and acted like she forgot the lines. To say Harry was beyond pissed would be an understatement. And, he knew exactly who was behind this stupid game.

" Thank you very much. It was very satisfying when you slapped the mistress. " Maya said to the actor.

" You trusted me to take this role so I must do my best." The actor said.

" I chose you for this work because you're hardworking. It'll be regretful if we didn't build you." Maya said with a satisfactory smile.

Unknown to them, Liam had heard their little conversation and he was really angry at his wife. He never thought she would stoop that low.

" Maya." He called " How could you do this?"

She turned around and stared at him searching for excuse.

The actor went away as she thought it was her cue to leave.

" I said how could you do this?"

" You know why I did this."

" What do you get by doing this Maya?"

" I do. So he'll know that I'm above him. The person who can slap her without using my own hands." she said proudly and started walking.

" You have changed very much Maya." Liam said which made her stop in her track. Liam continued as he turned towards her " changed so much that I'm starting to wonder if I'd still marry you if I knew this was the kind of woman you are."

" Hey Liam! What does that mean?" she yelled and turned around.

" Where's the woman I once knew and loved Maya? The woman who can make me smile on my most stressful day. Where is she Maya?" Liam asked heartbroken.

Maya was hurt by his words but she said nothing. She wanted to cry that her husband didn't love her anymore.

" Who is the woman standing in front of me? I don't know her." and he walked away.


" What are you doing here? And when did you get here?" Zayn asked Maya as soon as he saw the sad look in her face. " What's wrong Maya? Tell me."

Maya started sobbing. " I that disgusting? Is that why Liam doesn't love me anymore? Am I Zee? Am I that bad?!"

Zayn hugged her to calm her down and let sob in his chest. " Is it because of that actor that you're crying like this?" He asked. He didn't get an answer but he already knew it.


Liam was so drunk and kept apologising to Harry for the past thirty minutes. Harry said that he didn't mind but Liam kept on apologising and complaining that he doesn't want to go home. So, Harry drove Liam's car to drop him home.

After they reached Liam's apartment, Harry got out of the car. Liam's housekeeper came to help Liam to go inside.

" Is Maya waiting for Liam?" Harry asked the housekeeper.

" Maya isn't here."

" Then please take Liam inside. He's drunk."

" Yes"

"Good luck for me...I don't have to encounter the wife." Harry mumbled to himself and started walking out when a car drove towards the house. It was Maya's car but she was not the one driving. Zayn was driving the car.

" My good luck comes and goes fast." Harry mumbled again and started walking faster in order to avoid meeting Zayn.

Zayn saw Harry and his suspicion increased to why he was here. He parked the car and got out.

" Alice" he called the housekeeper " Maya is in the car. She's drunk. Please take her inside." he informed and hastily ran after Harry.

" Don't come looking for trouble. I'm so fed up. Amen." Harry mumbled to himself as he walked and kept looking behind to see Zayn was after him.

" Why are you here?" Zayn asked which made Harry to stop in his track. " So did you sniff that the wife wasn't here so you came to see the husband right at his house? You do have a good nose."

" It's my special ability." Harry said as he turned around and looked at Zayn.
" There are many animals in me. My nose is fast like a dog. And I run after men. This doesn't include climbing onto the bed of the men who want me like a beast." He said to rile Zayn up.

" Styles. I talked to Maya to calm down  but you won't stop. Why? Are you dry of men that you need to get involved with Liam? Or is it for the benefits? Tell me how many movies you wanna star in. I will tell Uncle Henry for you. Don't invest your body like this." Zayn said eying Harry's body disgustingly.

" Really?" Harry asked and chuckled dryly " if not for you, I wouldn't have thought about this. Why go after Liam and not Mr Henry himself?" he said like he was really thinking about it.

" Styles!" Zayn yelled fuming with anger.

" Stop! Talk to me nicely Malik. Because soon, I could be in-laws with you one way or another." Harry smirked and walked away leaving a very angry Zayn behind.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2020 ⏰

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